relation造句91, This will involve examination of the relation of size to the various cost components.
92, Our results confirm the relation between birth weight and lung function measurements reported in other studies.
93, There were court musicians whose exact relation to the family or to any royal court was predictably fuzzy.
94, A cohort study of the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3 in relation to papillomavirus infection.
95, As an example, Graff raises the relation of a feminist literary canon to more familiar ones.
96, The essential defining characteristic of this relation is its capacity to give rise to pleonasm.
97, A different vision of the company might draw upon the democratic ideal which inspires the relation of the citizen to the state.
98, It bore no relation to the equivalent of aerodynamic facts, namely, anthropological evidence as a whole.
99, In Leapor's view, the problems of women in relation to marriage are not immediately curable.
100, Other studies have failed to show a relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma.
101, The merit of the project in relation to each criterion is assessed in terms of the five classes, ranging from very good to very poor.
102, Can he clarify the position in relation to 15 Para and talk in terms of numbers rather than amalgamations?
103, With the replacement of national assistance by supplementary benefit in 1966, a major change took place in relation to the means-tested benefits.
104, Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
105, This principle is illustrated in relation to property damage by the following case.
106, This sentiment was repeated a few years later by the Newsom Report in relation to average ability working-class adolescents.
107, The Addiction Research Centre's programme of work concentrates on issues of prevention and policy in relation to alcohol and tobacco.
108, Furthermore, who told the stories about whom seemed to bear some relation to the conventional pecking order.
109, We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
110, But this is irrelevant to the question whether it is in relation to the grant of a further advance.
111, I am firmly convinced that it was Harold Wilson's poor judgement in relation to certain advisers that damaged his record as Prime Minister.
112, First, the idea of culture has application in relation to the academic community.
113, It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
114, The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth.
115, This emphasizes a causal relation between what A wants and what B does.
116, A general concept can be exemplified by any number of particular instances which need not stand in any causal relation with each other.
117, In a sense, this criticism is an extension of the issue of causation discussed earlier in relation to the statistical correlation studies.
118, Knowledge of this relation is to be achieved through the act of intuitive symbolic perception.
119, A similarly close relation ship may be seen between ivory and some of the most important precious stones used in antiquity.
120, Proposed changes in the clinical career structure should make clinical nursing less of a poor relation in terms of financial recognition and status.