快好知 kuaihz

151, Omagh gave a senior debut to 16-year-old Aidan Coyle, no relation to departed striker Liam. 152, We will only use the evidence in relation to criminal matters. 153, However, I also attended the village evening school, which was organized by an ancient relation of Mr Wopsle's. 154, Nor is it known how such circumstances arose or whether the balances are individually or cumulatively material in relation to the company's accounts. 155, The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals. 156, They provide chamber capacities from 50-125 litres with large stainless steel chambers in relation to their footprint. 157, The third study found a direct relation between smoking and clinical gall bladder disease among men but not among women. 158, This last point is one which is developed here in relation to soil conservation. 159, Thus the administrative system tends to be larger, in relation to the society, as the political system becomes more totalitarian. 160, However, Nuttall has shown that this creates considerable problems for the interpretation of results in relation to, for example, class size. 161, The trial court found that the Arizona law had no reasonable relation to safety, and made train operation more dangerous. 162, A separate venue must be available, however, if confidential information is to be considered in relation to nursing care. 163, Equally, how is language pedagogy to be defined in relation to other areas of enquiry that impinge upon it? 164, For women, there was no clear relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence. 165, This bull market bears no relation to that gambling spree. 166, Firstly, in relation to communication skills part it addresses the development of students' skills in self awareness and reflective learning. 167, Unlike Chan etal, we found no significant relation between alcohol consumption and arterial P co 2. 168, He made a complaint that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions. 169, The type and irregularity of fracture bears a complex relation to the breaking of bonds in directions that cut across crystallographic planes. 170, His evidence, he says, is in relation to an alleged abuse of the internal promotion system. 171, More important, the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical. 172, I could visualise the map, and the position of the village in relation to the coast where I had come ashore. 173, The picture bore no relation to the blotchy, snotty, shouting face of angry childhood. 174, Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood, which are examined in the next chapter. 175, However, such questions must be asked if we hope to develop a more adequate policy in relation to doping in sport. 176, Some relation between size of adenoids and thresholds of hearing has also been shown. 177, In Chapter 10 I analyse the inter-subjective conditions of objective validity and the relation between objective validity and truth. 178, At this stage the precise form of the household's relation to its property is of critical importance. 179, Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid. 180, They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers' problems.