快好知 kuaihz

take a shoot造句
(1) Someone took a shot at the car. (2) Shaw took a shot at the goal from the halfway line, but missed. (3) It's hard to know exactly what to do we'll just have to take a shot in the dark. (4) A crazy man took a shot at her from a rooftop. (5) Some one took a shot at her, but missed. (6) I take a shot at the odd one that flies over Uskair strictly illegal, I know. (7) Red bends her knees and pushes off, pretending to take a shot. (8) Suppose you are taking a shot of something tall such as a giraffe. (9) A crazy man, some one she had never seen before, took a shot at her from a rooftop. (10) He went back into the dressing room, took a shot and came back to play. (11) Then, police claim, some one took a shot at them, and they had to withdraw for their own safety. (12) Most basketball coaches would probably be eager to take a shot at slumping Syracuse right about now. (13) Someone took a shot at her as she was getting out of her car. (14) Mr Charles Waterfield taking a shot on the croquet lawn. (15) When a player took a shot, I felt it through my shoulder blades. (16) I take a shoot of Whiskey. (17) When one chance comes , just take a shoot !