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1. Lorenz and Ardrey suggest, respectively, that aggression and territoriality form a deep-lying part of people's biological and psychic constitution. 2. Konrad Lorenz wrote that birds even in total isolation are able to produce a recognisable version of the song of their species. 3. The question of when solutions of the Lorenz equations are periodic and when non-periodic is in fact a matter of some complexity. 4. The main figure in the story is Konrad Lorenz, who began his work on animal behaviour in about 1930. 5. Which contains a number of algorithms LORENZ. 6. I'm thinking of Lorenz contractions and Einsteinian relativity. 7. Andrea Lorenz is a journalist living in Austin, Texas. 8. After introducing the concepts of Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient briefly, We simplified the formulas of Gini coefficient, discussed the data collecting, grouping and sequencing. 9. The pioneering animal behaviorist Konrad Lorenz was so convinced of the perceptive capacities of crows and their relatives that he wore a devil costume when handling jackdaws. 10. Calculate the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient and analyse the fairness of health resource by positivism methods with the 2008 date in Gansu Province. 11. Under the general condition, the usual estimators of Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient are proved to possess strong consistency respectively. 12. Lorenz Helbling is a Switzer, who opened ShanghART Gallery, which is k... 13. Besides the common frequency chart. Lorenz curve, and Theil index. the famous Pareto distribution and the lognormal distribution are the authentic proof methods as well. 14. Ralph Lorenz, a scientist at Johns Hopkins University, offers a new explanation. 15. Lorenz and colleagues calculated the amount of liquid hydrocarbons on Titan using radar data gathered from the orbiting Cassini spacecraft. 16. Lorenz and his colleagues would like to install inexpensive time-lapse monitoring of the Playa area, using digital cameras. 17. Zander and Lorenz were to take their copies to Doenitz. 18. Based on Lorenz curve, the Gini coefficient for analyzing the difference of income distribution and methods for calculating Gini coefficient are proposed in the paper. 19. This is the major stumbling block to experimental realisation of the Lorenz system in lasers. 20. He was taken to hospital critically ill with severe head injuries - leaving girlfriend Donna Lorenz, 23, speechless. 21. Rustichini's latest research – with Stephen Burks, Jeffrey Carpenter and Lorenz Goette – studies the behaviour of about 1,000 trainee truck drivers in the US. 22. In this article the author analyses comprehensively the structure, scale and distribution of Tianjin commercial nets by using the lorenz curve and puts forward the way of development. 23. 'Clint's getting a little sensitive about the discussions concerning him coming in under budget and on schedule.' says producer Robert Lorenz. 24. Two students at Colorado State University, Tim Bauer and Nathan Lorenz, started Envirofit International in two thousand three. 25. "It's really just kind of a fun fact, " planetary scientist Ralph Lorenz with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory told Discovery News. 26. The results indicated that the imbalance between water pollutant emissions was reflected by the Lorenz curve (based on the population). 27. The results can be shown with a Pie chart or Lorenz curve. 28. Based on the theory of Industry Organization, the paper uses the Concentrative Ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient to analyze AMM's concentrative degree. 29. In this article the author analyses comprehensively the structure, scale and distribution of Tianjin commercial nets by using the lorenz curve and puts forward the way of dev... 30. Her mother, Ilse, would read to her in German the works of the Austrian animal behaviorists Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch, planting the seeds of an interest in neuroscience.