快好知 kuaihz

1, Staffing levels in prisons are too low. 2, Staffing is still a relatively unimportant issue compared to the other problems that we're encountering. 3, Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project. 4, Staffing levels had already been cut to the bone . 5, You've no worries about equipment, administration, staffing or supplies. 6, The hospital has reduced staffing to an absolute minimum. 7, They developed their own staffing and work schedules. 8, A smaller place needs less staffing and maintenance. 9, Staffing levels are currently insupportable. 10, F.E. resourcing and staffing are more generous than for institutions under Schools' Regulations. 11, It may also be asked to consider general staffing matters. 12, Even staffing has risen again, to 133,000, mainly for safety reasons. 13, Staffing responsibilities, operating budgets, and graphs illustrating the back-ground rounded out the formal presentation. 14, Rose said the staffing level proposed by the sheriff would put 64 deputies on site with only 140 inmates. 15, At one point in 1993, Employee Staffing was the largest employer in Rhode Island. 16, Senior staffing the northern agency did attempt during the research period systematically to evaluate their officers' work from their sampling records. 17, One particularly ambitious project involved setting up and staffing an advice centre within a hostel for homeless people. 18, But he criticises staffing levels in the prison's acute psychiatric unit. 19, Instead, particular professions try to improve their individual staffing position. 20, Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing. 21, In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels. 22, This situation has arisen as a result of our serious staffing shortages. 23, In candid interviews, representatives said a settlement hinges on these issues: Staffing levels. 24, The committee called for greater emphasis on language at all educational levels, with increased spending on staffing, accommodation and other resources. 25, This can be used to highlight changes from year to year or compare actual and required staffing levels. 4. 26, Employees will be kept informed of developments in connection with the Council Tax staffing arrangements. 27, Equally clearly, it would have considerable implications for the staffing and structure of finance departments. 28, It is not yet known what commitment Darlington Health Authority will make to day to day staffing and running costs. 29, Any change of policy has enormous repercussions on the staffing situation. 30, The changes will require funding from INSET. capitation and staffing budgets.