快好知 kuaihz

31. Would the shed's inhabitant necessarily guess that Mungo had been the uninvited visitor? 32. As they obeyed, Mungo could see that the sorcerer's apprentice was a toad, puffed up with fear or pride. 33. When Mungo got down, he could see that more books were collecting dust under the bed. 34. As he left the house, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie. 35. Mungo nodded, calling to mind a diabetic schoolfriend who had to inject himself daily. 36. As they hurried down dusty, echoing staircases, Mungo began to wonder whether he would have enough money. 37. Mungo moved towards it, surprised to find that he was not nervous. 38. She and Mungo had already passed the time of day with him. 39. Mungo admired Emily's patience as she waited for the right moment to mention his proposition. 40. Thanking Stanley, who said he was very welcome, Mungo walked out to the yard, watched by Jos. 41. Mungo found the work satisfying, though he was anxious not to delay long before investigating Vic's headquarters. 42. Mungo reached the fence overlooking the lake and the barrow at 4.25. 43. Mungo noticed a red admiral caught in cobwebs on the window overlooking the green. 44. Before Mungo and Emily could focus on it, Vic made as if to throw it into the air. 45. The striking thing was that like the golden ball Mungo had found at the barrow, these were not of modern design. 46. Mungo set off, taking care to avoid the loose floorboards which he had already tried to memorize. 47. Suppose Vic's father chose this moment to spray his apple tree, Mungo thought, or cut the grass? 48. Mungo remembered seeing her teeth in a glass on the bedside table. 49. If this was a kingdom, did Vic imagine himself to be its ruler, Mungo wondered? 50. The prime suspect was Vic, though how would he know Mungo was in here? 51. It struck Mungo as being like a time-bomb, planted even before memory, which might explode at any moment. 52. After a second helping, Alice took Mungo into the lean-to. 53. Beginning to wish he had never come, Mungo stood on the threshold of the last door. 54. Snapping out of his brief trance, Mungo supposed Stanley was relieved that at least the shop had survived the flood. 55. They must have long memories, Mungo thought, lying here in permanent dusk. 56. D. Illingworth and Son, Leeds, mungo manufacturers. 57. I've always had a fancy for the name Mungo. 58. The oldest bone found in Australia was at Lake Mungo in New South Wales. 59. Safe, but in a ship with limited range, Mungo despaired that he would forever be adrift in the Cloak of the Sith, but Yeldarb rewarded the young trader's rescue efforts. 60. When he salvaged the Caravel, a ship belonging to trader Mungo Baobab, Koong mistook the sharply dressed man as an envoy of the Empire.