快好知 kuaihz

1 She grabbed the boy and dragged him away. 2 The government were dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation. 3 The actors dragged on a boat with wheels. 4 We dragged her to the gate. 5 The mother dragged her boy in. 6 I dragged the chair over to the window. 7 They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping. 8 She dragged him down with her. 9 The escaped prisoner was dragged from his hiding-place. 10 The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings. 11 He quickly dragged a comb through his hair. 12 He dragged at his pipe. 13 They dragged her from her bed. 14 That bout of flu dragged her down. 15 He grabbed her and dragged her. 16 They dragged the old sofa out of the room. 17 A senator dragged the subject in as a filibuster. 18 The weak old woman dragged along slowly. 19 She dragged him off to the concert. 20 We dragged the carpet out of the room. 21 He dragged behind the others. 22 The old man dragged on a pipe. 23 The youths were dragged from their car and searched for weapons. 24 Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom. 25 I grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it out of the room. 26 The child seems to have been dragged up,[www.] not brought up. 27 We dragged the discussion out for two hours. 28 She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. 29 The day dragged on interminably. 30 The salmon was alive and kicking when it was dragged out of the river.