two dozen造句1 Two dozen screen fonts are also supplied.
2 We take two dozen blues and a dozen of their predators, the small green crabs that are never far away.
3 Two dozen major California health maintenance organizations will receive a report card today on the quality of their preventive services.
4 Fewer than two dozen large, politically powerful companies control delivery of most of the news and information we receive.
5 Two dozen boys in blue arrive in full riot gear.
6 There must have been two dozen people there, all chattering brightly and looking very elegant.
7 There are nearly two dozen crossing points from West to East Berlin.
8 Of the two dozen nearest galaxies, only one - the giant spiral Andromeda - is bigger than the Milky Way.
9 Run up two dozen stairs or more without being breathless at the top.
10 But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
11 Nearly two dozen rotting corpses were scraped off the street last week.
12 On Oct. 2, Anderson was one of nearly two dozen alleged gang members arrested during an early morning raid.
13 More than two dozen players settled either late Monday night or in the final hours before the union and owners swapped figures.
14 Only two dozen made it back on to the freighter.
15 Christie and more than two dozen Hells Angels and associates were indicted last week on drug trafficking charges.
16 The violence killed more than two dozen people.
17 She bought two dozen of them.
18 The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozen.
19 Both had poor ratings in a crowded marketplace, with almost two dozen syndicated talk shows scrapping for viewers every day.
20 My own wedding was a small affair with just two dozen of our closest friends and relations present.
21 All their shoes assembled by the front door, there must have been two dozen pairs, sandals, boots, moccasins.
22 To make her burst faster off the blocks, Privalova tosses a 120-pound barbell over her head two dozen times a day.
23 In addition, they gave equestrian center managers permission to add 17 corrals and space for up to two dozen more horses.
24 Glasgow has six or eight of these big buyers and about two dozen first-division dealers.
25 And so it goes for woodpeckers and hawks and two dozen other groups Walton analyzes on the three discs.
26 The tracks are 28-ton personnel carriers that can carry two dozen Marines, including the three-man crew.
27 As one they made for the door, but had two dozen different recollections of its exact position.
28 The fishermen from the leeward side succeeded in wrestling to shore about two dozen of the whales every season.
29 Jacqui noticed that she spent ninety percent of her time lingering over the two dozen Allied officers left in the audience.
30 Specimens of this anemone have been seen with as many two dozen clown anemonefish nestled among their tentacles.