db造句1. CenterLine's software can now define object classes with Objectivity/DB and interactively access Objectivity/DB objects.
2. DB can be mounted in any orientation.
3. DB: I could stop the car, pull hand brake.
4. Buzzer sound volume level: 10 feet to 85 dB.
5. DB : This is Earth and Sky.
6. Stereo channel separation of 50 dB and low harmonic distortion for testing FM stereo receivers.
7. Does the X 7 DB 3 main board support Automatic System Recovery?
8. They wanted DB to retain its turn - up - and - pay style of rail travel, which German passengers cherish.
9. Using DB - FFAP Wide Bore capillary column and n - propanol as internal standard.
10. FREMONT, Calif., 18 May 2008. dB Control won a contract from a major defense contractor to provide coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) amplifiers to be used for radar applications.
11. For updates to and news about OLE DB, see the Universal Data Access site at.
12. Berkeley DB generally outperforms relational and object-oriented database systems in embedded applications for a couple of reasons.
13. The first-time installation procedure creates a default 17-MB database volume (db.dsm).
14. It features a minimum gain of 9 dB with 45 percent minimum collector efficiency using a 50V supply.
15. In the forward fuselage a Daimler-Benz DB 603 featured an annular-ring cowl, while exhaust stubs just aft of the trailing edge belied the position of the rear engine.
16. One side-effect of setting forceDatabaseLock is that the existence of the database lock file (db.lck) will always prevent a database from booting.
17. The passenger transport diesel locomotive of DB is installed first with take electronic pilot 3516 B engine.
18. The DB - PB AIR SHOWER PASS BOX characterizes as double lock between the air brake and door , which enable the box has a better airflow prevention ability than trsditional pass box .
19. It implements a simple DB function, includes inputting, querying, modifying and displaying all the records, etc.
20. Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered (designated to operate for several hours at acoustic power levels of 125 dB SPL and above) loudspeakers.
21. The contract was awarded based on the ability of dB Control's coupled-cavity TWT amplifiers to deliver extremely high power over the selected radar band.
22. Kinoa is a Hong-Kong based online shopping site that sells natural cosmetics, books, baby products, and food items from its site and also has a regular sales booth at DB Plaza.
23. As we mentioned in the previous section, instance level configuration can be done in the DBM CFG file while the database level configuration is done in the DB CFG file.
24. The paper also provides the test result used this method. The interfering signals can be attenuated 16 dB in Rayleigh distribution.
25. Results of calculation have been compared with experimental data of two kinds of DB propellants and the semiempirical theory has proved to be correct.
26. The propagation loss in the waveguide of this device is about 7 dB/cm. The factors causing the crosstalk and the loss in this device were analyzed.
27. While Commerzbank reported a net revenue of EUR110 million for Asia in 2008, DB already earns billions of euros in this region.
28. After copying the template, edit the report process by expanding the copied DB activity trace report in your process group.
29. Improvements in the cold - end - to - hot - zone resistance ratio between the original DB and new DB has been dramatic.
30. The biochemical results ( AKP, r - GT , TB, DB ) checked postoperatively turned apparently compared with the preoperative results.