db造句31. From the description, it seems like you should be able to monitor the resident memory used by the mongo db process to get an alert as shard memory ran low. Is that viable?
32. Result: The upper confidence interval [ 29.9 dB, 40.0 dB ]; the Lower confidence interval [ 12.5 dB, 16.5 dB ].
33. Differential-Mode AGC: Audio output holds rock-steady over 80 dB signal range.
34. In this case, we must first accept 14 dB of overall loss below the zero.
35. DB : And some might say that a lion lives a life " fit for a king. "
36. Making ActiveRecord work with the MagLev DB is a highly desirable goal, although there are portions of the ActiveRecord API that assume object state is stored in an SQL based RDB.
37. Next week a court in Lower Saxony will deliberate on the cancellation of another DB Regio contract, to run trains around Bremen .
38. Faraday are incorporated into the ultra - low distortion motor, further reducing? harmonic distortion as much as 20 dB.
39. More than half of the German banks' loan exposures are concentrated in the country's two biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank AG (DB, DBK.XE) and Commerzbank AG (CBK.XE, CRZBY).
40. The maximal limitation for noise outburst at night should not exceed 15 db.
41. The transformation process is complicated and cockamamie,[http:///db.html] and it based script analysis and temp db technology.
42. DB can be replaced while the furnace is at operating temperature.
43. PRISMA/DB is a parallel main memory relational data base management system.
44. The result shows that the gain above 10 dB, optical bandwidth above 50 GHz can be achieved.
45. Threshold extension and adaptive noise reduction technology means that noise is 50 dB down for an unmodulated 13.5-dBf stereo signal.
46. Create the customer service database by typing CustomerServiceDatabase in the Create DB field, then click the Create button.
47. Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12℃, out 7℃; entering air DB 35℃ , WB 24℃.
48. A DB - 624 quartz capillary column and a FID were used.
49. The rolloff is usually expressed as attenuation per unit interval, such as 6 dB per octave.
50. And now if you combine that with Faraday's law you end up with the flux through S of minus dB over dt.
51. The construction of this ball bearing is similar to mounting two single row angular ball bearings back to back(DB).
52. Soon, as is the custom in most areas of XML development, an informal group got together to write common specifications for XML repository APIs. In this case it was the XML:DB group (see Resources).
53. A Ryanair (RYA.DB) Boeing 737 last Nov. 10 made a hard emergency landing at Rome's Ciampino Airport after flying through a large flock of starlings.
54. Its common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ) was 65 dB at 100 kHz.
55. Using HSS - 4 A and DB - FFAP wide bore capllary column and acetone as the internal standard.
56. What is the channel capacity for a teleprinter channel with a 300-Hz bandwidth and a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 dB, where the noise is white thermal noise?
57. The PA shows maximum power gain and 24.5 dBm OP 1 dB with 36 % power - added efficiency ( PAE ).
58. Show that doubling the transmission frequency or doubling the distance between transmitting antenna and receiving antenna attenuates the power received by 6 dB.
59. Control of lighting circuit should be same as marks of lighting power DB when lighting system is power on.
60. B & W products have achieved CE 、 UL 、 DB 、 ROSH and other international approvals.