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61. A DB - 1 wide bore capillary column was used with propanol as the internal standard. 62. If an amplifier has a 30 dB voltage gain , what voltage ratio does gain represent? 63. The dB absolute error and dB relative error in electronic measurers are introduced. 64. The application of the methods can guarantee the coherency of associated data in DB system. 65. From the Public view, right-click a report process template, such as DB Activity Trace Report, and copy it to your own process group. 66. Provides a 6 dB - per - octave rolloff filter at 115 Hz. 67. Provides 18 dB - per - octave cutoff at 80 Hz. 68. ASP. NET application for retrieving student's progress from DB (Firebird) and sending it back to client (Parent). 69. DB 2 is IBM developed a set of database management software. 70. DB 2 is a relational database management system that developed by IBM. 71. Berkelium (Bk), Dubnium (Db), and Hassium (Hs) were named after Berkeley, CA, Dubna, Russia and the German state of Hessen, respectively, where these man-made elements were created. 72. Using HSS - 4 A and DB - FFAP wide bore capillary column wish 1 - butanol as internal standard. 73. Note that the PWH stores DB and DBM CFG values, but only inserts a row if a value has changed. 74. He had a good 50 dB to 55 dB of noise-induced hearing loss at 28 years old. 75. The programming principle of erasing and programming of AM 29 LV 160 DB in BDM mode is emphasized. 76. Non - interrupting level setting over a range of 20 dB for reproducible measurement of squelch hysteresis. 77. DB managers reckon that Britain's regulator favours shareholders over passengers. 78. PRISMA/DB is a parallel, main memory relational database management system. Its design is characterized by two main ideas. 79. DB has a negative resistance temperature characteristic from room temperature to approximately 1200? F ( 650? C ). 80. Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12℃, out 7℃; entering DB 35℃, WB 24℃. 81. Utilizing rectangular approximate in 3 dB fused - tapered optical fiber coupler coupling ratio is analyzed theoretically. 82. A 30 dB gain CMOS VGA is designed using a 0.25 μ m CMOS process. 83. A helical planetary set reduces transmission noise level by up to 10 dB. 84. This scheme utilizes all effective bits of phase accumulator address, and so can improve the performances of DDS, which has -70 dB of spur suppression value. 85. OLE DB provides unified interfaces to access most data source identically. 86. A HSS - 4 A and DB - FFAP wide bore capillary column was used with 1 - propanol as internal standard.