快好知 kuaihz

1. Tara walked in a southerly direction . 2. The ship was on a southerly track. 3. We walked in a southerly direction. 4. We set off in a southerly direction. 5. Los Cristianos is the most southerly resort in Tenerife. 6. The plane flew off in a southerly direction. 7. Continue in a southerly direction until you reach the road. 8. They are mopping up in a southerly direction. 9. There was a mild southerly breeze. 10. Two split off and went in a southerly direction. 11. Horologium is far too southerly to rise over Britain or most of the United States. 12. The normal southerly or westerly wind of that season did not materialise. 13. It was the most southerly westernized town, the last in which we saw television aerials. 14. Land's End airfield, inset, is the most southerly of mainland Britain. 15. It therefore took a southerly route across the prairie provinces of the Dominion. 16. Arran is the most southerly of the Inner Hebridean islands, 15 miles away from Ardrossan on the Ayrshire coast. 17. The most southerly of the three enclosures had also been subdivided, although little of its eastern half lay within the trench. 18. With the rain came a southerly wind, moderate at first but then steadily increasing until it built to gale force. 19. Southeast Cape is the most southerly point. 20. Strong southerly winds dogged our travel from the outset. 21. As it strengthened the wind was veering southerly. 22. On maps, Kosovo is Serbia's most southerly province. 23. The house has a southerly aspect. 24. Peter headed in a southerly direction. 25. Small sailing vessels dotted the sheltered waters within sight of the government buildings, riding an a soft southerly breeze. 26. Although most of the levels are freshwater, some are brackish in their more southerly parts. 27. Water managers have already shut a gate north of the crash site to reduce the southerly flow of water. 28. Sharpe looked up at the weathercock on the stable roof and saw the wind had backed southerly. 29. The green itself was triangular, with the church of St Andrew standing at the southerly point. 30. Driven thirty miles north last night by continuing strong southerly winds.