快好知 kuaihz

red rag造句
1. Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull : he was furious with her. 2. Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull. 3. This sort of information is like a red rag to a bull for the tobacco companies. 4. If you criticize him, it's like a red rag to a bull-he gets absolutely furious. 5. His optimism was a red rag to the protesters. 6. Naturally this was like a red rag to a bull and I refused to even consider such a course of action. 7. Such developments were, for Draper, red rag to a bull - hence his recourse to history for the counterattack. 8. That idea was already red rag enough to the old gentleman. 9. That was a red rag to Israel. 10. This was a red rag to the bull. 11. Mention of animal experiments was like a red rag to a bull to the anti - vivisectionist. 12. Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister. 13. He glared at me like a bull at a red rag. 14. Don't tell him you're a vegetarian - it's like a red rag to a bull. 15. When I got back to the villa, I saw a red rag tied to the balcony. 16. Where you and I see blue blazers, the Manchester United captain sees a red rag. 17. Behaviour which seems innocuous to one person can be a red rag to another. 18. The seriousness of the imposed requests were like a red rag to a bull. 19. The mention of that man's name to him is like a red rag to a bull.