快好知 kuaihz

come into造句
1. May you come into a good fortune! 2. Craft of all kinds come into this port. 3. She will never come into the bookstall again. 4. Come into the kitchen while I brew up. 5. Long skirts have come into fashion again. 6. The spring flowers have come into bloom. 7. Come into the office. 8. He wants to come into the business on his own terms. 9. Mother has come into her own since the children left home, and she is making a new life for herself. 10. Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 11. My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds. 12. She married for money - love didn't come into it. 13. Come into the house. 14. Your glasses would completely steam up when you come into the warm room in winter. 15. You realize that by rights you should not come into this room, don't you? This is only for people who work here. 16. When did this word come into common use? 17. Political considerations do come into play when making policy. 18. At dusk more fish come into the shallows. 19. The cuts will come into effect next May. 20. Roses start to come into flower in June. 21. The new government will come into power next month. 22. These issues have recently come into sharp focus . 23. They have come into conflict, sometimes violently. 24. When did the Labour party come into office? 25. Where do I come into all this? 26. When did the world come into being? 27. That phrase has come into usage. 28. The plane trees have come into leaf. 29. jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment . 30. In the summer months a different set of climatic factors come into play.