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31. Either of two Old World songbirds (Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly. 32. Turkey gobble A large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food. 33. A common North American sparrow (Melospiza melodia) having streaked brownish plumage and noted for its melodious song. 34. When stored at room temperature , Adrenobazone injection often changes from orange to brownish red , which reduces its effective content. 35. The middle cotton is exposed to reveal a brownish stain. 36. This product is nano - capsules, the contents for the brownish - yellow to brown granules; gas micro, tasteless, bitter. 37. It is brownish - black. Its head hides under its thorax. 38. It has been trapped for its valuable Brownish Black fur. 39. Food: Turkey, a large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food. 40. For example, an all black tail and big wing panel in brownish primaries seems good for Slaty-backed. 41. Product Description: The Beurre Bosc pear is bell - shaped with a brownish skin. 42. It occurs as a brownish red film - coated tablet and a pale orange film - coated tablet. 43. A red, fine and elegant wine, harmonious, light and friendly. It has a vivid red color when young, evolving to brownish red when mature. It gains a special smoothness through maturation. 44. The positive cells displayed brownish yellow granules on the surface, cytoplasm and intercalated disc. 45. Adenoma sebaceum is a nodular rash of brownish red color that typically originates in the nasolabial folds and spreads to cover the nose and the middle of the cheeks. 46. The coat has various shades of olive - brown to brownish - black. 47. Stipules free, brownish green, small. Flowers white to violet. Anterior petal shallowly saccate but not spurred. 48. Loongan Meat The best ones should be brownish yellow in colour, semi-transparent, soft and with fragrance. 49. Abaxial leaf surface with thin silver-gray or brownish indumentum; corolla pink or rose-purple. 50. Any of various edible mushrooms of the genus Morchella and related genera, characterized by a brownish spongelike cap. 51. Medium, long neck, skin is brownish yellow with violet stripes, flesh amber. 52. Red , Rose - shaped; slim straight stems, short stalks, sparse pointed leaves in brownish red. 53. Other skin changes caused by pregnancy hormones may include brownish or yellowish patches on the face called chloasma and a dark line on the midline of the lower abdomen, known as the linea nigra. 54. For two Yuan samples the amount of magnetite in pigments is nearly similar to the amount of hematite, the decorative pattern of which is of brownish red color. 55. An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia, that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk. 56. Any of a breed of hunting dogs that points game, typically having a smooth[/brownish.html], short-haired coat that is usually white with black or brownish spots. 57. When it's brownish on one side turn it to the other side. 58. Any of several wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the male. 59. There seem to be some brown retained juvenile feathers above, but the newer feathers still have a very strong brownish cast, resulting in a very strong contrast with the more powdery-blue head. 60. A brownish - green New Zealand parrot ( Nestor meridionalis ).