family planning造句(31) Now she has the ability to access family planning sources without her husband.
(32) Though family planning services are theoretically available to them, they are not even contemplated at such an early age.
(33) By reducing domestic burdens, family planning is a fundamental part of any definition of empowerment.
(34) Or consider that some of the nations long heralded as family planning success stories have faltered on the road to re-placement fertility.
(35) To this scene of disarray they brought a bold policy prescription unknown to Malthus: family planning.
(36) The position, which still pertains, is as close as the Church has ever come to legitimizing family planning.
(37) Your own doctor or nearest family planning clinic will be able to give you up-to-date information on this.
(38) Educated women have fewer unwanted babies; they are more likely to use family planning methods.
(39) They were all quite comfortable in their evening club,[http:///family planning.html] the Family Planning Clinic.
(40) You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you.
(41) She can walk into a family planning clinic and seek assistance.
(42) It was a seminar covering all aspects of family planning.
(43) But strong national leadership is only one precondition to a successful family planning program.
(44) The study examined factors that form attitudes and shape behavior on the subject of family planning.
(45) I did make an appointment at the local family planning clinic.
(46) Provincial and local authorities were ordered to double family planning funding.
(47) We give about $ 425 million a year in foreign aid for family planning.
(48) Some projects also run Well Person's clinics where you can see a doctor for a health check and Family Planning services.
(49) So Western experts were soon jetting off to poor countries to run surveys and design massive family planning programmes.
(50) And especially those, whether by accident or design, involved in family planning.
(51) I know now that you can get Durex free from family planning clinics, but not many people know that.
(52) These countries need aid and support to help sort out their main problems ie family planning, health, starvation etc.
(53) The family planning boom Today there are more women using modern contraception than ever before.
(54) Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
(55) To get a free pregnancy test with Immediate results go to a family planning clinic or a Brook Centre.
(56) Sensitive to such shortcomings, family planning agencies in many developing nations have taken steps to make services more accessible.
(57) If you would like advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.
(58) The services are available from hospitals, clinics and family doctors who have agreed to provide family planning advice.
(59) Fewer than one in 200 cited religious beliefs as their reason for not practicing family planning.
(60) Surely then, until Third World populations decline through national programmes of family planning, population pressure will cause hunger and shortages.