devi造句 31. Confucius: Well, let us see how our Divine Mother, the Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi talked about Tao in Beijing in 1995. 32. Devi is a ghost of another time, one of a shrinking handful of people who still live in families here that follow the ancient practice of polyandry.英文造句search operationrepublicationbank guaranteeskeeterstandard and poor"sexcretivenetscapethe present dayQ-valueuniformitarianit is unlikely thatcondition precedentendocervicalmammitisnew nametrack outfilmstripsoillessgreat bargainsurface soilforwarding agencyslaughterertony blairperspective drawingtype of informationcole porterphase currentdecrease in valueof oneself