nothing more than造句91. You sold that film short when you said it was nothing more than an amusing story.
92. "Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples".
93. In her early days as a singer she had encountered those who had wrongly assumed she was nothing more than a beautiful but empty-headed blonde.
94. As a place of sanctuary it is pretty bleak. The camp is nothing more than a bunch of decrepit and disused mud huts on the edge of a baking hot, dusty plain.
95. Our first example is a class that does nothing more than print a two-part name.
96. It is intuitively plausible that an algorithm based on these operations would work well for spelling correction, since typos are nothing more than these operations interpreted as keying errors.
97. Evlis Presley's movies are regarded as nothing more than fluff.
98. They want your Credit Card number. It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.
99. "I AM RICH" is an iPhone application that made a brief debut on Apple's software store this month. It cost $999.99 and did nothing more than put a glowing ruby on the iPhone's screen.
100. The so-called Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is nothing more than an empty promise.
101. The investment community has long considered the newspaper holdings nothing more than a result of Rupert's vanity and chokehold on News Corp. votes, and has discounted the shares accordingly.
102. Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse , while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior .
103. Though this might look like a tumor under the skin, it's actually nothing more than a blocked oil gland.
104. The center of our city is nothing more than broken boulders and fetid ponds.
105. The most advanced pocket computer you could imagine becomes nothing more than a paperweight once the battery runs out.
106. I could only wonder what the Vikings arriving here thought after battling the tempestuous Atlantic in nothing more than a longboat.
107. Traditional lie in bed is commonly board board rectangular double bed , formally also nothing more than it is ligneous, iron makes bedstead match with spring-mattress.
108. He asked nothing more than civility from the rest of the world.
109. "Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip," Jonathan would say, other times, "is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see.
110. But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon.
111. Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.
112. So when you're feeling tits, it's nothing more than your professionalism?
113. Since a lexical analyzer is actually nothing more than a parser optimized to process data into token streams, Spirit treats both parts of the process virtually identically.
114. That a paper of such stature should stoop so low as to have a colour supplement. Why, it was nothing more than a cheap, nasty comic.
115. In one section of the ground an area that UEFA had allocated as 'neutral' was to be segregated from the adjoining area allocated to Liverpool fans using nothing more than a frail chicken wire fence.
116. The Port Authority command post consists of nothing more than a huddle of tin trailers.
117. Generally speaking, the final cause is taken to mean nothing more than external design.
118. That LeBron attempted to outdo him later in the week was nothing more than meaningless bravado, which the media ate up hook line and sinker.
119. They are despoilers of purity, liking nothing more than to take the noble ideals of others and twist them to selfish ambition and self-satisfaction.
120. As in uppercase and lowercase. Changing case requires nothing more than pressing the Shift or Caps Lock key, and yet so few designers take advantage of this technique's potential.