快好知 kuaihz

1, Prince Charles condemned the assertively modernist style of architecture. 2, Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it. 3, Modernist artists increasingly transgressed boundaries and borders in what appears to have been an intellectual, physical and spiritual restlessness. 4, The various modernist languages upon which some postwar works depend were those evolved by the mid 1920s. 5, One might be interested in modernist writing and another in science fiction, for example. 6, Modernist cinema is cast in a Brechtian mould of distantiation and bears formalist characteristics. 7, The very radical autonomy of modernist cultural forms makes their social or social-historical explanation an extremely difficult pursuit. 8, The great modernist poet Wallace Stevens supported himself as an executive at a Hartford insurance company. 9, Where modernist consumption was premised on mass forms, postmodernist consumption is premised on niches. 10, Hence Derrida's poststructuralism challenged the modernist and autonomous science of autonomous linguistic structures of Saussure and Barthes. 11, Though designed by the master modernist, Richard Meier, Getty Center appears intentionally tethered to the past. 12, Although Atkinson was a modernist in principle, he was also capable of building in the true Arts and Crafts tradition. 13, It's totally reasonable if the essence of modernist unveiled. 14, The chief aesthetic charge against the art works was that their characteristically modernist expressionist distortions failed to conform to a naturalistic realism. 15, This new sort of avant-garde promotes, not heterodoxy and modernist autonomization, but orthodoxy and dis-autonomization. 16, Many later novelists have benefited from this store, and from other forms of modernist facility in rendering individual consciousness. 17, An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself. 18, The contrived anti-nature stance of the Aesthetes is, perhaps surprisingly, often echoed by modernist sophisticates. 19, In Levin's essay, avant-garde cinema is assimilated into the wider discourse of Modernist art despite their material and institutional differences. 20, Moreover, popular culture was the subject, and arguably the condition of existence, of high modernist culture. 21, It also means subscription to Foucaultian power/knowledge assumptions that are difficult to square with demands for modernist universalism. 22, The movement was also programmatically self-conscious, one of the modernist tropes. 23, Jerry Brown, which became the center of controversy because of its modernist style. 24, Then began the now familiar notion of artists quite naturally turning to the various modernist languages for their stylistic starting points. 25, It was within this milieu that the thinkers of New Liberalism sought to develop a self-consciously modernist philosophy. 26, Restructured urban space and the visual arts in the modernist city were mirror images of one another. 27, Like Nietzsche, Feuerbach frequently shows more sympathy for orthodox believers than for rationalizing modernist theologians. 28, Overall, there appear to be some significant differences when one makes comparison with more typically modernist organizations. 29, At times his work has been cast in a Tzara-like parody of high modernist art. 30, I'd have to tell you that it is an insipid and belated rehearsal of modernist experimentation with self-reflexivity.