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31, The building is impeccably modernist: glass, aluminium and grey. 32, So Walter Benjamin support the Modernist art like Expressionism. 33, But like striking modernist architecture, there's real elegance in that starkness . 34, Bergson etc. Thus, they have clear traces of modernist thoughts. 35, The present embassy, a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen, is still regarded skeptically by critics. 36, Gertrude Stein, 1874-1946, was arguably the most experimental writer of the Modernist period, which extends from roughly 1900 to 1950. 37, Hi - tech materials set the pace for this rugged range - modernist gear that will go the distance. 38, Many critics maintain that Picasso's famous painting originally named "The Bordello at Avignon" (Les Demoiselles d'Avignon) was the single most influential modernist statement. 39, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a master modernist, filled its Chicago campus with simple rectangular buildings. 40, Eastern culture and style of the simple connotation of shape and played a subtle role in the birth of Western modernist simplism style of the external characteristics have a direct impact. 41, The modernist Muhammadiyah has some 35 m members, mainly urban. 42, Singin' in the Rain mixes with modernist interiors and sexual violence; Beethoven plays over Nazi propaganda; we hear Rossini while a murder is committed using pop art. 43, The author argues for the necessity and suggests implementing measures to re-introduce Modernist education into China, which also presents an opportunity to revive Tongji's tradition. 44, Marx and Post - modernist both subvert traditional concept of subject. 45, Modernist housing in America probably peaked in the early 1970's, and Richard M. Nixon delivered the coup-de-grace in January, 1972 when he killed what little public housing policy the U. 46, Western modernist paintings refer to the several western painting genres from end of nineteen century to twenty century, which include impressionist school of fine art, fauvism, cubism and so on. 47, Although influenced by Freud, David Herbert Lawrence, one of the modernist writers, has different views on the nature and function of sexual love. 48, The modernist novels, with a character of spatiality , differ from traditional novels in philosophical view, narrative mode and structural mode. 49, In the post - modernist culture the image also has the same effect of non - real. 49, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 50, As the most modernist Chinese writer, Can Xue understands the works of Franz Kafka and Jorge Luis Borges in her own way. 51, Mies Van der Rohe was a contemporary of Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius (the founder of the Bauhaus School), Mies is one of the original instigators of the Modernist Movement. 52, It was a set of critical and rhetorical practices that sought to destabilise the modernist touchstones of identity, historical progress and epistemic certainty. 53, Xiao Wang has always liked the works of the modernist writers. 54, We are faced with an artificial environment, a sleekly designed modernist vitrine which equally reminds us of an aquarium or zoo enclosure. 55, What marked the beginning of the British and American modernist poetry is Imagist poetry, which has also made immense international influence. 56, Paul Cezanne was a modernist French artist in the late 19th century. 57, Said deconstructs the cultural hegemony of Orientalism from the post - modernist standpoint. 58, Last week , I found it transformed into a forest of neon - lit, modernist skyscrapers. 59, Jessica is dressed in a smart way, she looks like a typical modernist. 60, Describing the antihero is an important mark of Russian writer Pelevin s post modernist poetics.