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61, This article analyses the characteristics of the modernist architecture in Barcelona based on its history. 62, Therefore, Kafka's works bear a clear autobiographic feature, which is the most significant characteristic that distinguishes him from other modernist schools of writers. 63, Incredibility is a peculiar phenomenon in western history context of the 20 th century. It has a mass and deep performance in modernist literature. 64, Since it evolved over time, the modernist aesthetic is made up of many artistic movements including futurism, Bauhaus, constructivism and purism. 65, In her short career, Katherine Mansfield holds two roles: the modernist artist stayed out of the circle of metropolitan literature as well as the modernist out of the circle of colonial literature. 66, Different conceptions of modernity between Habermas and the Modernist result in opposite viewpoints on modern culture. 67, Le Corbusier, Swiss-born French architect and writer. The most powerful advocate of the modernist school, he designed numerous functional concrete buildings and high-rise residential complexes. 68, American musicians and composers have followed the example of modernist artists like Picasso and Braque in drawing on elements from high and low culture. 69, The modernist school work concern relation arrives in the human inner world ultimate demand enables it definitely to be possible to become the outstanding humanities education text. 70, Bright colors tend to modernist design, the corresponding wall painting realistic pictorial comparison. 71, The early poems show the aestheticism color of classicalism while the later poems have clear color of modernist school. 72, Stream-of-consciousness has been widely adopted in modernist fiction, but its application to the stage demands both courage and skills. 73, Keifer's is still a fundamentally modernist project, foregrounding the hand of the artist, implicitly asserting the martyrdom of the artist as equivalent to that of the unknown soldier. 74, His work was admired partly for its uncluttered, modernist look, which seemed revolutionary in 1930 s America. 75, He created The Hosts of Heaven (painting, 1983), Rising—Quiet Twilight (painting, 1984) and a series of modernist works. 76, Joseph Conrad is a very important modernist writer at the turn of the 20 th century. 77, Held's attempt to link his vision with that of the Renaissance can also be considered Post - Modernist . 78, Kafkaesque is a famous contemporary novelist of Austria and one of the originators of modernist school of literature. 79, First published in 1918, My Antonia is generally considered a modernist novel. 80, Thus , Held's painting , because of its complexity and illusionism, can be considered Post - Modernist. 81, Father and Son, as a prelude of the English new biography, has ushered in the wave of patricide into modernist literature. 82, Russian imagism, one of the four leading literary schools in Russian modernist poetry, has a niche in the history of Russian literature. 83, As one of the most important modernist writers, Faulkner uses a macrostructure in his novels as Balzac does in his series of novels. 84, But the new culture turned out to be neither modernist nor European. Instead, American artists transformed an avant-garde project into a global phenomenon. 85, Robert Browning is credited as the "precursor of Modernist technique" for he "energetically hacked through a trail that has subsequently become the main road of twentieth century poetry". 86, Abstractionist painting is the avantgarde of the modernist art , representing a major breakthrough of 20-century painting. 87, Sullivan actually said "form ever follows function," but I think the usual misquotation is closer to what modernist architects meant. 88, Eliot ( 1888 - 1965 ), marked the consummate artistry of Anglo - American modernist poetry. 89, Compare that kind of ambiguity with the typical modernist ambiguity of Harold Pinter'say Party.