快好知 kuaihz

1 Success Et Incarnatus Est showed the choir at its lyrical best. 2 Requests, Court of, est. 1390 for the hearing of poor people's petitions for the recovery of debts, etc. 3 In a transforming instant, the est intellectual truth is seen to be that intellectual truth is of no account. 4 Est á en el sur de Europa. 5 I am hypersensitive to Est é e Lauder. 6 The EST isozyme of butterflies possess polymorphosis. 7 Plus l'amour est nu , moins il a froid. 8 Tout ce qu'il a dit est fort douteux. 9 Their products include Est é e Lauder and Clinique. 10 Est - ce que je peux essayer? 11 Est - ce que je peux essayer ce complet? 12 Quelle est votre sp é cialit é en Chine? 13 What's the difference between EST and PST? 14 L'absence ne tue l'amour que s'il est malade au d é part. 15 La caja que est á en la mesa es m í a. 16 Qu'est - ce qui est vrai et qu'est - ce qui est faux? 17 Votre invitation est pour nous un pr é cieux t é moignage de notre amiti é. 18 Objective The clinical value of endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST) and papillary balloon dilatation(EPBD) in treating choledocholithiasis was studied. 19 Cette paire est un peu é troite. Le bout de pied est serr é. 20 La pire des souffrances est celle de ne plus pouvoir aimer. 21 The genes and their functions of 4 EST associated with GAT need to be clarified. 22 Finally, the Bahadur asymptotic efficient est imator is constructed through extremal statistic. 23 To study of endoscopic sphincterotomy ( EST ) in patients with stricture of common bile duct post cholecystectomy. 24 Quel est le sujet ( le contenu ) de votre m é moire de fin d 'é tudes? 25 In secondary school I ran a little track and led Human Growth Seminars, which was sort of a teen-age est. 26 I immediately need of a freelancer developer who can work along with me EST, CST timings. 27 The paper analyzes the cultural information through a lot of examples in EST discourses and puts forward some views on its effective transmission. 28 The frequent occurrence of noun phrases, abbreviations, symbols, equations and formulae is the outstanding lexical feature of EST li te... 29 Secondary lymphoid - tissue chemokine ( SLC ) is a type of CC chemokin e identified by searching the Expressed Sequence Tag ( EST ) database. 30 It is indicated that Suxiaohong grape has closest relationship with Vitis vinifera by 0.00 and0.20 distance ratios of EST and PER isozyme pattern.