快好知 kuaihz

blood transfusion造句
1, A blood transfusion saved his life. 2, She suffered kidney failure and needed a blood transfusion. 3, He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 4, He was given a blood transfusion. 5, She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion. 6, She contracted the fatal disease through a blood transfusion. 7, Both groups received a similar volume of blood transfusion. 8, Every 3 weeks her baby needs a blood transfusion. 9, Young pups may require a blood transfusion. 10, The blood transfusion requirements were similar in both groups. 11, This patient did not require blood transfusion or any other active treatment. 12, The blood transfusion brought colour to my face and I am deeply indebted to some anonymous donor. 13, Treatments, including dialysis and blood transfusion, failed, and Rash died of heart failure. 14, Shortly afterwards T. reiterated her opposition to a blood transfusion both to the midwife and to a doctor. 15, Thyroidectomy was performed without problem or need for blood transfusion. 16, Most instances have been associated with infection, blood transfusion,[http:///blood transfusion.html] or termination of pregnancy. 17, The National Blood Transfusion Service is entirely dependent on voluntary blood donors. 18, I was to have a blood transfusion before he could operate. 19, Blood Transfusion Currently all blood donors are initially screened and blood is not accepted from high risk individuals. 20, No , you will not need a blood transfusion. 21, Her condition deteriorated to such an extent that a blood transfusion was considered necessary. 22, Remember - one day you may owe your life to a blood transfusion. 23, Shortly afterwards Miss T. told the midwife that she did not want a blood transfusion. 24, Over the next two weeks he made a slow clinical improvement and required blood transfusion and intravenous nutrition. 25, This could arise if the plaintiff suffered negligently inflicted injuries and then refused to have a blood transfusion because of his religious beliefs. 26, We may also have been exposed to the virus in the past through blood transfusion or donor inseminations. 27, During an effort to overcome one of those problems - a heart defect - surgeons gave the boy a blood transfusion. 28, Janet's marrow sample was flown to Oslo and given to Mona in a blood transfusion. 29, He was told that Miss T. did not require a blood transfusion and that there was no need for concern. 30, She said it was highly possible that had he received a blood transfusion his life might have been saved.