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181. In the analysis, we simply simulated the contact way between launder and support, which decreased the calculative amount ulteriorly and accelerated the analysis. 182. The principle of the heat pump for air conditioning and hot water supplying is introduced, the quantity of electricity conserved and consumption decreased was calculated. 183. The experiments prove that after being modified treatment, the addition of cold-hardening resin is cut down, so that the cost of cold-hardening resin sand can be decreased. 184. After infection serum monoamine oxidase and mucoprotein increased markedly, while plasm hydroxyproline and proline decreased evidently. 185. If capability of distribution control system ( DCS) was developed fully, intellectualized control of FCC can be realized and economic loss can be decreased in accident treatment. 186. Results:The tumor size decreased, the perirenal edema area became clear and bleeding in operation reduced in 33 cases of renal carcinoma. 187. The flashover voltage of polluted composite insulators is decreased with increase of SDD and the fog conductivity in acid fog and salt fog. 188. The experiments show that the false rejection rate and false acceptance rate are decreased obviously. 189. After 59 times of iterative computation, the optimized structure parameters were obtained. The maximum stress decreased by 33.5%. 190. Low-temperature decarbonizing technology has been successfully used in our factory. After modification, consumption was decreased. Good economic benefits was achieved. 191. The content of lysine decreased with maturation of caryopsis, with the highest content in the grouting stage. 192. On average, with each up-tick in BMI, a woman's cognitive test score decreased by nearly a full point as well—even after adjusting for vascular disease risks and other demographic factors. 193. Decreased breath sounds may be noted with a pleural effusion, COPD, atelectasis and pneumothorax. 194. The effects of UV-B on MDA and flavonoid contents also showed intraspecific difference. The MDA content of 5 cultivars was significant increased, while that of 2 cultivars was decreased. 194.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 195. Granularity effects are eliminated and matrix effects are decreased by high temperature fusion technique. 196. The Letter of Guarantee shall be decreased proportionally with the Seller's partial deliveries. 197. Decreased production of platelets in the marrow may be caused by drugs, toxins, or by primary marrow disorders such as aplasia, fibrosis, or hematopoietic malignancy. 198. In comparison with conventional electromagnetic stirring, A-EMS can produce a finer and more uniform semi-solid structure with the average grain size decreased by 31% under the same stirring power. 199. The results also suggest that among women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), who have the most severe symptoms, this decreased ANS activity is permanent regardless of menstrual-cycle phase. 200. Through direct device access, the influence of Virtual Machine (VM) on system performance could be decreased. Meanwhile, current device drivers could be used by guest operating systems. 201. BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance has decreased eradication rates for Helicobacter pylori infection worldwide. 202. Fimbria-fornixs of brain were transected and bilateral ovaries were cut off to establish models of Alzheimer disease accompanied by decreased level of estrogen in vivo. 203. The cure rate was increased every year. The uncured rate past 5 years was decreased. 204. CFU - GM and ~3 H - TdR incorporation did not change obviously but BMC decreased significantly. 205. Soil bulk density, non-capillary porosity decreased in large degree, and capillary porosity, capillary moisture capacity increased in different degree of different rehabilitated forest. 206. It was found that a pseudo-second-order equation provided the best correlation to the data. The initial adsorption rates derived from the model increased with concentration and decreased with size. 207. Also with the increase of air gap width, the diameter of fiber increased and crimp degree decreased. 208. Pathological examination showed desmoplasia among neurofibras and decreased myelinated nerve fibers in 15 patients; and onionskin change in 14 patients. 209. It is shown that during the main phase of a magnetic storm the electrons drift outward, the pitch angles are decreased, but the height of the mirror points is increased. 210. When diameter and thickness of lap brace became smaller, the ultimate capacity of both CW and TW type overlapped joints decreased compared with symmetrical overlapped joints.