快好知 kuaihz

91. Love would not speculate on why the numbers have decreased. 92. Over the same period, pesticide use has decreased by 47 percent. 93. As consciousness returns Observation of the patient's respirations will gradually be decreased if they are giving no cause for concern. 94. Her diarrhoea decreased with improved appetite and weight gain, a rising serum albumin, and resolution of her peripheral oedema. 95. Conversely, the motility index is decreased in those with diarrhoea, so that the sigmoid behaves like a sphincter. 96. Although the relative strengths of these components varied, the absolute flux densities of all components generally decreased during January to June. 97. Decreased concentrations of activated pepsinogen were found in H pylori positive patients only. Duodenal biopsies were tested in 76 patients. 98. The stock's par value decreased from $3.14 to 31 cents. 99. Driver-only buses have become the norm, and may have increased privatised profitability, but they've decreased traffic flow. 100. They expressed concerns that decreased military spending can become an economic problem in regions that depend on the armed forces for jobs. 101. Over the same period the percentage derived from earnings has decreased from 27 percent to 9 percent. 102. Elderly patients have decreased protein binding of AEDs resulting in a higher unbound fraction. 103. It is difficult to make a case that the time lag in getting innovations to the market-place has decreased in recent years. 104. These findings are consistent with decreased transit in the proximal and rapid transit through the sigmoid colon in patients with active colitis. 105. Moreover, the greater turbulence in the economic and political environment through the 1970s and 1980s means that predictability has decreased. 106. Girls were less likely to exercise than boys, and activity levels decreased among all youths as they approached adulthood. 107. Government spending on energy efficiency has decreased by £9.5 million since 1985. 108. In this regard, increased plasma renin activity and decreased renal prostaglandin production have been reported in patients with acute liver failure. 109. Respiratory function is usually decreased by tissue oedema, and some patients may therefore need oxygen therapy. 110. But as the universe expanded, the temperature of the radiation decreased. 111. Decreased concentrations of activated pepsinogen were found in H pylori positive patients only. 112. Patients with idiopathic chronic constipation have a decreased number and duration of giant migrating complexes than healthy controls. 113. The increased cholinergic and decreased dopaminergic activity in the striatum is thought to be a cause of the parkinsonian state. 114. The by radioimmunoassay and Ti uptake are decreased due to fail tire of adequate secretion of hormones. 115. The bile acid concentration in faecal water also decreased with increasing dietary calcium, and this was not influenced by dietary phosphate. 116. Here as elsewhere in the developing world, traffic snarls have increased tensions and decreased productivity. 117. The decreased secretion of aldosterone will affect body electrolyte balance and extracellular fluid volume. 118. The sputum had decreased and for two successive tests had been negative. 119. There are two main factors underlying this change in the nature of the population distribution: decreased mortality and reduced fertility. 120. As death rates have declined the proportion of elderly classed as married has increased while the proportion widowed has decreased.