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271. Compared with the full tree, the architecture has the same speed while its input width is decreased. 272. Conclusion: QT dispersion can be significantly decreased by successful intravenous thrombolytic therapy in patients with AMI. 273. The activity of Cathepsin L, as well as the content of moisture, protein and amino-nitrogen decreased during cooking, while the values of cutting force increased. 274. Unit maintenance decreased the generator capacity which influenced the generation adequacy greatly. 275. Extracting by acetone and freeze drying got highest hypericin content. The antioxidant activity decreased when increasing the incubation time, extracting in methanol performs better. 276. If more bentonite clay is used, the lead temperature must be decreased. 277. But that of an electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) decreased from 72.5 % to 25.3 % during the first ten cycles. 278. It was found that compared with the control group, the serum TC, LDL-C, VLDL -C and TG were increased significantly in cholesterol and saturated fats group, while HDL-C/TC was decreased significantly. 279. Histopathology showed the decreased and fragmented elastic fibers in the dermis. 280. The diabatic heating decreased when the vortex moving away from the plateau. 281. After heating treatment, the relative content of lignin increased, while holocellulose and alpha-cellulose decreased of 4 years bamboo. 282. We have adopted a multi-phase DC-DC converter structure to supply the positive and negative voltage source for the panel, and decreased the operational frequency of the charge pump. 283. The result showed that the DP of xylan decreased 54% after enzymolysis with xylanase, and the content of lowpolymerized xylan was 75.4%. 284. Results show that in the system, step-by-step control is realized, and vibration and striking are largely decreased too. 285. Weaken Armor: decreased casting time to 1 second; this skill now affects all adjacent foes.