constructor造句61. In the constructor function, a new trace file is opened into which the profiling address trace will be written; within the destructor function, the trace file is closed (see Listing 3).
62. This constructor exists for use by the Policy object instantiate new Permission objects.
63. Returns the simple name of the underlying member or constructor represented by this Member.
64. In the JavaScript language, a constructor function initializes the underlying Object provided by the run time system, and this Object is returned to the caller of the constructor.
65. The default constructor is used regardless of where a variable is defined.
66. The coclass proxy also contains a default parameterless constructor for creating an instance of the COM object it represents.
67. Here is an example of a class type and its constructor.
68. In the second case , the default constructor run directly empty _ direct.
69. As you saw earlier, the code for a static field initializer executes inside an implicit type constructor.
70. The constructor interprets each string as a directory path and builds a data structure to represent the files and child directories under that path.
71. The default list constructor takes no arguments, creates a new instance of that list.
72. The constructor for the SelectionListener implementation accepts a Boolean variable that defines whether the tree items are to be expanded or collapsed, depending on which button is selected.
73. Do classes that should not be instantiated have a private constructor?
74. For the first argument, the exception constructor is passed a literal string, which violates this rule.
75. In the case of the code I've been using for this article, there's a major error in the interaction between the two loops in the constructor.
76. Variables are untyped, so the object constructor might begin with code shown in Listing 1.
77. The supplied type must expose a parameterless constructor that your generic type can access.
78. The range() function is simply a list constructor, very similar to the range() function in Python, or the ..
79. Now the constructor takes four additional parameters, which are the starting and ending points of the viewport.
80. The Greeter constructor creates an instance of Message, which it then uses in the greet method call.
81. The constructor arguments are actually Phoenix lambda expressions, so you can use arbitrarily complex expressions.
82. A potential show-stopper, passing "this" as an argument to a method or a constructor from inside a mixin is forbidden!
83. The default constructor invoked the no - arg constructor of the superclass.
84. You can create stateful pages by implementing the interface and calling the Page base class's setStateful() method in the constructor (see Listing 1).
85. Fortunately, the anonymous function definitions are within the lexical scope of the htmlElement argument of the object constructor.
86. Omitting the constructor argument list and enclosing parentheses is equivalent to specifying an empty argument list.
87. A structure variable implicitly includes an initialization of the elements using the structure's parameter less constructor.
88. When an explicit type constructor is present, the compilers will not mark the type with beforefieldinit, and the precise timing restrictions lead to the performance drop hinted at by FxCop.
89. The Word class in Listing 1 is fairly simple -- it's a JavaBean with a constructor chain allowing users to create Words with various properties set.
90. You can see that LPF takes two parameters in its constructor: the logout success URL (/logoutSuccess.jsp) and a list of handlers.