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121, The implication is clear: liberals are more advanced morally than conservatives. 122, Rape, although unspeakably degrading for a woman, in no way degrades its victims morally. 123, Then they may feel morally devalued and a new standard of behavior can take root: the good of the service. 124, But the annexation of the other planets of the Althosian system had left Nicaea economically and morally bankrupt. 125, Sweetman splits his subject in half into Gauguin, a morally reprehensible man, and Gauguin, a heroic artist. 126, I think it is morally wrong, though legally sanctioned by the new law. 127, Is abortion morally defensible? 128, This form of destitution in the midst of plenty is not only morally obscene; it has social consequences which affect everyone. 129, Were they morally justified in lying to Mrs Keech and her followers and maintaining this lie for several months on end? 130, In this conventional hierarchy, it is morally worse to intend harm than to be indifferent whether harm results from one's behaviour. 131, This is an illegal and morally indefensible action. 132, Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable. 133, Administering Our Country Lawfully and Morally. 134, It isn't unlawful, but it's morally wrong. 135, Lying is not seen as being morally reprehensible any strong way. 136, Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life. 137, PARLIAMENT MINISTER : " Minister is as well as morally reprehensible , this statement is absolutely untrue. " 138, Do you think that initiating possibilities is morally and legally acceptable? 139, During feudal and autocratic rule system, history had proved that "running the country morally", compared with "running the country lawfully ", has more graciousity and vitality . 140, Does that mean I'm morally obligated to burn that lady's outfit? 141, Make quick lists of someactions you think of as uncontroversially morally good ones and morally badones and ask a friend to do the same. 142, As their emphasis is on this world, they cling to the belief that man is morally perfectible and that Utopia on earth is achievable. 143, The philosophy of Objectivism also takes a morally absolutist stance, as it regards the laws of morality to be, like the laws of physics, inherent in the universe itself. 144, A morally ambiguous confidence man who smokes, has lung cancer and is tormented by the spirits of the undead. Well, if that doesn't make me the favorite aunt, I don't know what will. 145, Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectuall and physically. 146, Published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association of Psychological Science, the findings look encouraging: Participants acted more morally than they would have predicted. 147, They believe that " cannibalising " an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable. 148, In none of the issues of conduct arising in the novel is Jane Austen morally neutral. 149, More recently however they have also been blamed for a self-indulgence that has left the country financially, socially and even morally crippled. 150, While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies.