morally造句151, In other English colonies which later formed the Empire, the English took up "the white man's burden" of superimposing their morally superior culture and religion upon the "natives."
152, I'm wondering if Dudley and Steven had asked for Richard Parker's consent in you know, dying, if that would exonerate them from an act of murder and if so, is that still morally justifiable ?
153, For example, Kant's categorical imperative is envisioned as a point of view any reasonable person can adopt in deliberating about what he/she ought morally to do (CP 498ff).
154, He brushes aside all concepts of what is morally evil, thinking that he can go scot-free by doing so.
155, It also banned "morally provocative hosts and hostesses" and demanded that participants undergo stricter screening procedures and "be cautious before mouthing venturous remarks.
156, The child is developing in every way , morally, intellectually and physically.
157, So you have a mind/body dualism,a body and soul dualism and often there's the deprecation of the body and a deprecation of matter as morally inferior.
158, This was no soothing homily from a man who has previously described decisions leading to Britain's involvement in the war as being morally and practically flawed.
159, No one doubts that this is both morally vexing and economically inefficient.
160, History is filled with examples of governments sanctioning acts, laws, or policies which are morally repugnant.
161, She points out that because capitalismchannels selfish motives to the public benefit, the most widely beneficialactions will often appear morally ugly, because motivated by greed.
162, Newman's abruptness and straightforward manner mask a morally robust character, equipped with an innate honesty and a strong intuitive sense of right and wrong.
163, But even five years ago, Chinese books and magazines were censored or banned from showing pictures of scantily clad models or publishing content that was deemed offensive or morally corrupt.
164, So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.
165, It is a story that is tearful, inspiring, yet enjoyable, a manuscript that is gloomily destiny related yet morally uplifting, a masterpiece overflow with time-tested traditional Chinese virtues.
166, It suggests that people are, if not perfectible, at least morally malleable in positive ways.
167, When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?
168, Then to make a conclusion that cross - species isn t morally irrelevant in xenotransplantation.
170, But red Toryism may be too morally censorious, and too hostile to big business, to fit the bill.
171, Fae:Do you think the fact that you're homosexual makes you morally bankrupt?
172, The arguer is hoping we'll just focus on the uncontroversial premise, "Murder is morally wrong," and not notice what is being assumed.
173, So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful.
174, The enemy were defeated not only militarily but morally, psychologically and politically.
175, Chinese have no shame as long as they can make some money...they are morally bankrupt!
176, One of the things he claims is that in a polytheistic system, which is morally neutral, where you have some primordial realm that spawns demons, monsters, gods, evil is a permanent necessity.
177, While morally he condemned the practice of being rich but cruel and being benevolent but poor, he gave tacit consent to the reality of the great difference between the rich and the poor.
178, It is morally ambiguous and purposefully divorced from the thrill - seeking flamboyance of the director's glory - glory days.
179, It is a positivistic view of legal validity which originates from Hart's morally neutral description of legal theories.
180, Good or evil deeds have their consequences, which "come around" to the person who acts morally or immorally . Thus the circle denotes moral returns according to ASHA.