快好知 kuaihz

61, If you come to Shaoyang I'll sure do the honors. 62, Michael Geisen studied forest resource management and graduated with honors from the University of Washington. 63, Married at the age of 16 to Lysimachus of Thrace, a 60-year-old general of Ptolemy I, Arsino? earned great wealth and honors during her time in Greece. 64, In 1905, he graduated with honors at St. Olaf and then joined the college faculty. 65, Access To Low-carbon German Blue Angel Environmental Certification, The United Registered Suppliers, The Chinese Famous Trademark And Other Honors. 66, He gained top honors , eventually graduating summa cum laude in 1996. 67, A picture of a mantis shrimp guarding its eggs in Anilao, Philippines, took home top honors in the "Compact Cameras" category. 68, What does my GPA have to be to graduate with honors? 69, On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general. 70, At the time, Honors was the ship's executive officer, or second-in-command. 71, Kwame ? Again , another guy that should garner co - player of the game honors. 72, Reason it rates: For the second year in a row, this software firm takes top honors for its many great perks, including an on-site gym and healthcare facility, as well as cheap childcare. 73, In reality, some people know the meaning of honors and disgraces, but they can't put them into effect because of weak moral willing, bad social morality and unharmonious factor on economy. 74, It should come as no surprise that other research on the topic published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology has found that young, tall, long-armed women win top honors when it comes to beauty. 75, Marian Anderson received many honors and awards during her life. 76, Let them do the honors, as great as we consequence easy points for piety. 77, His honors include the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, the William Carlos Williams Award, etc. 78, ' Believe me, you can bet there will always be at least one person who can't wait to grab the wine list and show off. Let them do the honors, and you earn easy points for humility. 79, Have you ever heard of the Pulitzer Prizes? Named after Hungarian newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, this award honors excellence in American literature, journalism, drama and music. 80, Pippen has won Most Valuable Player honors in NBA All Star Game. 81, Mr. Bradbury considers this his favorite work and, among other honors, it was chosen by the mayor of Los Angeles for their One Book, One City reading program. 82, A funeral with full military honors traditionally includes a caisson to transport the body. 83, The team featured eight swimmers who earned a combined 21 all-American honors. 84, The officials said the Navy has chosen a commander to replace Honors on the nuclear-powered ship that is currently stationed in Norfolk and scheduled to deploy to the Middle East this month. 85, Who's going to pour the tea -- shall I do the honors? 86, And carry off European champion cup and all honors, realize all dreams. 87, It honors the eloquence, force of argument and succinctness with which the writer presents his or her views. 88, Mr. Hu was greeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy as he arrived at Orly airport Thursday with a red-carpet welcome and full military honors. 89, Spiritedness is that quality of soul that is most closely associated with the desires for honors, fame and prestige. 90, BOB DOUGHTY: By the end of the war, Henry Loomis had received many honors for his service, including a Bronze Star and an Air Medal.