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31. The preliminary studies on male sterile mechanism of Chinese jujube including the changes of anther anatomic structure and isoenzyme including POD, COD, AMY during pollen development were achieved. 32. AC's promotion of tobacco anther culture emergence was effected with macroelement and microelement's balance level. 33. Techniques for anther culture has been developed and widely used for most Brassica species, but not for radish ( Raphanus sativus L. ). 34. So, probing into how to choke back tumor growth and simultaneously no injure for human organism is anther method of treating sarcomata thoroughly. 35. The anther wall of Setaria glauca consists of four layers: epidermis, endothecium , mid-dle layer and tapetum. 36. Compared the spectrogram , that the petroleum ether used as solvent is better than anther. 37. We offer 100,000 for the warehouse, but anther company outbid us. 38. Conditions for the anther culture of brassica oleracea var. botrytis was studied using hybrid variety B-21 as material. 39. Layering sheers is anther way to help conceal what is underneath. 40. New people needs to giving God thanksgiving and helping one anther. 41. The anther, pollen, stem point and bioplast cultured in vitro can be plant. 42. Now we can clock up anther victory for our team. 43. Iron is an important component in anther culture medium of rice. 44. The flower is bisexual, hypogynous , and with protandrous, tubular androecium whose anther are fused in a broad ring. 45. Comparative analyses were made on the callus induction and embryogenetic abilities of anther and non-pollinated ovules of rubber tree clone Haiken 2(Hevea brasiliensis). 46. At late anther developing stage, the tapetal cells became to vacuolated, anther chamber was full of giant tapetum and the microspore degenerated completely. 47. But anther another way to keep food fresh is to use an evaporative cooler. 48. Other aspects of the heterandrous syndrome are exhibited in anther size, anther shape and color, pollen size, pollen number per flower, stigma width, fertility of stamens and gynoecium etc. 49. The tapetum begins to vary at the stage of tetrad with the cytoplasm anther cell. 50. Maybe she would date a technician at the office. Or start up a romance with anther TV star. 51. At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail. 52. Anther wall was formed in a special method due to the homology of tapetum cell and secondary sporogenous cell. 53. Fibrous thickenings are formed in the cells of the endothecium. In staminate flowers, the septum separating anther locules was cleaved and the stomium was degenerated to release the pollen grains. 54. Application of Anther Culture Techniques in Breeding of Malting Barley New Variety. A new barley variety DanErhas been successfully bred and is expanded 300000 ha. 55. Putrescine (Put), Spermidine (Spd) and Spermine (Spm) content in anther of Housui were significantly higher than those of Niitaka. 56. Thirty-seven entries of O. rufipogon from China including three ecotypes named as stolon, slope and erectness were studied on anther culture ability. 57. The callus induced medium can effectively induce the Spanish dagger anther to differentiate the callus, and the inductivity of the callus of the Spanish dagger anther can reach over 22.7 percent. 58. The japonica rice (Oryza sativa L. ) variety Zhonghua 11, developed by anther culture technology, was irradiated by gamma rays to induce extensive mutation for functional genomics research use. 59. The anther issue is that whether the freight under voyage charter party may be deducted or set-off according to the stipulation in respect of set-off provided by Contract Law. 60. A versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind.