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91. Anther primordia are composed of the protoderm and the central cell mass in late September. 92. The main results are as follows: (1) Anther wall comprises epidermis, fibrous endothecium, one middle layer and glandular tapetum with two-nucleate cells. 93. Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments. 94. It is an efficient strategy to investigate the molecular mechanisms of plant anther and pollen develop by cloning genes from male-sterile mutants followed by functional analysis. 95. Anther culture has enhanced the capacity to generate large numbers of haploid plants. 96. We review the advances in haploid breeding of cucurbit crops in the article. We covered the aspects of anther culture, ovary culture and haploid induction via irradiated pollen in the review. 98. Since unexpected incidents occurred on after anther, the exhibition was called off. 99. The new economy does not mean we'll never have anther recession or even a deflationary spiral. 100. Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen. 101. The activity of IAA oxidase and cytokinin oxidase was significantly higher in CMS anther, but the activity of tryptophan synthetase was lower than in fertile anther.