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1. He has been transferred to anther branch. 2. These flowers possess spring-loaded anthers that give honey bees a rough blow when they enter. 3. They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced. 4. Let me smell that shirt. Yeah, it anther week. 5. Haploid variety breeding and application in anther culture breeding. 6. There will be anther exciting relay race this afternoon. 7. I want to keep it for anther two weeks. 8. Anther Another difference is about writing style. 9. The stalk that bears the anther in a stamen. 10. And one thing led to anther. 11. The development of anther wall is dicotyledonous type. 12. One is adaptive quantization, and anther is adaptive prediction. 12.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 13. The induction of body cell embryo and anther embryoid of Asparagus officinalis L. 14. Basifixed Stamens in which the anther lobes are attached at their base to the filament, and are not capable of independent movement. Compare dorsifixed; versatile. 15. With shouting, the Eridanus girl jumps to anther side of the crystalloid, and a picture of that"tier" has turned up at the rest space in it. 16. The earliest abnormal phenomenon in sterile anther was nucleolus of sporogenous cells locating in the edge of nucleus. 17. The capacity of dehiscent anther was determined to the size and the morpha of anther stomium cell, epidermal cell and fibrous stratum's plastic property of the pollen sac wall. 18. The technology of cayenne anther culture monoploid breeding they set up belongs to the area of plant biological technology. 19. Anther important scenery of YaoWan , back side of main building for ShanXi assembly hall. 20. The male parts of the flower are the stamens and the anthers. 21. To advertise the fact, they surround the pollen and the anthers that produce it with the vivid petals of a flower. 22. At the centre of each flower, the styles are a vivid orange, held well above the three golden yellow anthers. 23. The plants produce bisexual flowers and, unlike Sagittaria, have anthers and stamens in each flower. 24. I always regarded that as my Birthday present, of course my happy birthday only lasted about anther hour. 25. Protogyny in M. grandiflora lies in a mechanism that determines the anther dehiscence stage, thus reducing self-pollination and interference between pollen and stigmas. 26. The haploid breeding of maize is a technology that using anther culture or gynogenesis to produce haploid, and then obtain stable new varieties through natural or artificial doubling. 27. During pollen formation a compound is produced naturally in the anther. 28. Potato haploid induction has significant meaning in potato breeding, It includes parthenogenesis and anther culture methods. 29. The wall ingrowths of pri-mary intine of early 2-celled pollen enlarge the surface areas of the vegetative cell plasma membrane, and may facilitate the uptake of nutrients from the anther locule. 30. Meiotic division of microsporocyte develops synchronously in each microsporangium of an anther.