peoples造句31. Not only does all mankind face death, but the various peoples of the world face death in greatly differing ways.
32. Still another reading held that the story was intended merely as a way of explaining the diversity of peoples and languages.
33. The West, by contrast, assimilated its own primitive peoples very early on.
34. It reminds us of what the desert has come to signify in some peoples writing and thinking.
35. The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe.
36. This often meant, of course, depriving the indigenous peoples of the very essence of their traditional culture and religious
37. Certain individuals and peoples become instruments of his justice and anger.
38. Throughout history the voluntary control of sexuality has been a major preoccupation of all religions, all cultures, all peoples.
39. The region's indigenous peoples demand that they be included in discussion about environmental issues and development.
40. We shall see why people liked civilized society and why other peoples copied Sumer.
41. We've also got social work services, home help, meals on wheels, children's homes and old peoples homes.
42. First thing first: a humane agreement between two peoples who must live side by side.
43. The meeting passed particular resolutions condemning the uncontrolled logging in Sarawak and the continuing harassment of tribal peoples in the state.
44. Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression.Che Guevara
45. He wanted to examine peoples in various stages of develop-ment.
46. The government has set out on a path of trying to reconcile the Tutsi and Hutu peoples.
47. It is a rope to hang ourselves, or a chain to link together diverse peoples.
48. As soon as you were noticed you became the butt for other peoples jokes and worries.
49. In the Brechtian aesthetic, the real struggles of life and oppressed peoples can not be shown, as it were, naturally.
50. Rio hosted simultaneously a Global Forum of some 2,000 non-governmental organizations, together with representatives from some of the world's tribal peoples.
51. Plans to lease timber rights from indigenous peoples for extremely low prices were also criticised.
52. All the peoples traded in the products of their particular region, exchanging goods by means of barter.
53. They begin by challenging the current opinion that all peoples share basic functions of the mind such as logical and abstract abilities.
54. Protestants and Catholics certainly see themselves as different peoples with different histories, and for the most part maintain different cultural traditions.
55. The cultures of some 40 indigenous peoples are considered backward and irrelevant to the values of the modern, free-market state.
56. One of the clearest messages from our Cellulite Roadshow was lack of motivation scuppered most peoples plans.
57. And the most distinctive languages are often the most vulnerable - those of native peoples.
58. They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order.
59. It was a tragedy, though perhaps inevitable, that these two great peoples met in conflict.
60. To the wealth they received from their estates and taxation, successful Merovingians could also add plunder and tribute from neighbouring peoples.