peoples造句61. Yet there is a strong emphasis among some historians on the voluntary submission of native peoples.
62. The greatest resistance to union came primarily from the Gaelic peoples who inhabited the largest separate island to the west, Ireland.
63. The act of representing peoples under direct colonial rule or as disadvantaged economic partners of the west is therefore also political.
64. A number of authoritative scholars seriously question the propriety of interpreting prehistoric remains by reference to the customs of modern primitive peoples.
65. The rich variety of geographical environments provides a background to the diversity of ways of life and traditions of the Yugoslav peoples.
66. Whale ribs are used by the Inuit peoples to form the frames of drums.
67. All the islands, including even Java, harbour primitive peoples, often still living in stone-age conditions.
68. It was the largest movement of peoples since the tribal wanderings of the first millennium.
69. Collectivisation in particular is disastrous for nomadic peoples, who need to roam freely to feed their animals on sparse vegetation.
70. Memorial monuments usually celebrate triumphs rather than the state's decimation of cultures and peoples.
71. The McCarthyites, however, had no very clear idea on how to liberate the enslaved peoples either.
72. Marble bust. possibly representing one of the peoples conquered by Augustus.
73. Anti-semitism was not ended, but was transferred to other Semitic peoples, the Arabs.
74. The criteria of sameness and difference offer few ways of separating out peoples once we rise above the level of locality.
75. It is not easy to maintain the unity of these diverse peoples.
76. One focuses on the everyday lives of the First Peoples.
77. Its significance transcends the boundaries of the United States, for it offers a lesson and example to peoples throughout the world.
78. The shaman's journey to the land of the spirits is one manifestation of the animist religion of the Siberian native peoples.
79. Between the civilized areas, those occupied by primitive peoples are also the domain of wild animals.
80. The Ecuadorean Government does not recognise native peoples as having land rights.
81. I also reports the nations' nonpolitical attributes in which the five peoples take pride.
82. In other countries, the indigenous peoples live in a state of siege.
83. Like all primitive peoples they believed in spirits with influence over human life.
84. This was a concession to the Magyars at the expense of other peoples within the borders of the Dual Monarchy.
85. To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half devil and half child.
86. I never thought I was soon to see just how miserable the peoples of the earth can make life for themselves.
87. It seems that primitive peoples ate human flesh for broadly two reasons.
88. He argued that it is too simplistic, and indeed ethnocentric, to dismiss such peoples as irrational and unscientific.
89. But both groups include many profoundly different peoples, owing partly to the accidents of history and partly to regional variations.
90. The groups carrying on the violence are transgressing the majority will of the peoples they purport to represent.