快好知 kuaihz

91. Peoples has been arrested numerous times since 1978 on drug and theft charges. 92. The rainforests and the tribal peoples who live there have never needed your help so urgently. 93. The herbal knowledge of non-agricultural peoples is often extremely detailed far more so, in fact, than that of farming cultures. 94. While a rich man cannot have more than 1440 minutes a day, a clever man makes more time by using opm or other peoples minutes.RVM 95. There are also patents on varieties of seeds and plants, as well as unusual genes and cell lines from indigenous peoples. 96. The benefits to the poor are trifling, and for native peoples, invariably negative. 97. Forest loss is also caused by migratory slash-and-burn agriculture, especially by minority peoples of the central highlands. 98. In contrast, the indigenous peoples have a much more realistic approach to agriculture. 99. The disjunction between peoples and state boundaries, a central theme of this chapter, is a fundamental problem in many countries. 100. Although the two peoples share a similar type of political structure, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast. 101. The history of other peoples neither stops nor is negated by Black History Month. 102. The movement of peoples from East to West is a newer phenomenon. 103. For it is an ethnic conflict, between peoples who see each other at close range. 104. For indigenous peoples, the values and sense of belonging to a community which aspires only to serve the world are paramount. 105. Environmental groups also called for measures to protect the rights of forest peoples, which were not adequately addressed in the report. 106. Sophie Grig works for Survival, a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples. 107. It was a film in a series called Vanishing Peoples, which was discouraging. 108. And the stakes are high - tribal peoples are intimidated, beaten and sometimes killed for opposing modern-day land grabs. 109. The relationship between sedentary and peripatetic peoples had no doubt always required diplomacy but these days it could be explosive. 110. So far as material culture is concerned, the Siberian peoples fell into two main categories. 111. In Teheran poor peoples wait in long lines in the snow for paraffin. 112. Peoples, however, claimed he avoided the deputy by driving across both lanes of the highway. 113. After all, each state comprised an often lethal cocktail of peoples. 114. After this Rome became a republic which steadily expanded and absorbed the adjacent peoples and countryside. 115. More than any others, so-called primitive peoples are receptive to nature and model their life and attitudes upon it. 116. Certain peoples have thus developed their own musical language which is an extension or their spoken and written language. 117. We boast of the freedom enjoyed by our people above all other peoples. 118. None the less, neither governments nor peoples are simply passive victims. 119. Superstitions and visions drifted up through the tribes and peoples like evening mists along the Nile. 120. It has within it the experiences of direct contacts with the peoples of the world.