快好知 kuaihz

1. He reported to his teacher. 2. Next day the newspapers reported the event. 3. They reported the disappearance of the ship. 4. Tom reported his discoveries to the professor. 5. The local media reported rioting across the country. 6. The company reported a small decline in its profits. 7. The doctor reported the patient fully recovered. 8. The house was reported to be in excellent condition. 9. The soldier reported that a prisoner was at large. 10. The incident has been widely reported in the press. 11. The house was reported as being in excellent condition. 12. She was reported by the hospital spokesman to be making excellent progress. 13. The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies. 14. Troops were reported to be guarding the key points there. 15. The story was reported in the press and on television. 16. It is reported that twenty men were killed in the clash. 17. The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon. 18. The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his new daughter. 19. That snake in the grass reported me to the boss. 20. They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country. 21. The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate. 22. It was reported that some of the king's troops had revolted. 23. The scandal was widely reported in the national media . 24. The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble. 25. Side effects from prescribed drugs are being reported with increasing frequency . 26. The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard. 26.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 27. If there is something wrong with the machine,it should be reported at once to the engineer in charge. 28. For many years, experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue. 29. Newspapers often give a false colour to the news they reported. 30. The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.