快好知 kuaihz

31. The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press. 32. About one-fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns. 33. He claimed his remarks had been reported inaccurately. 34. The newspaper reported that prices were going up. 35. Intelligence reported enemy activity just off the coast. 36. All accidents must be reported to the safety officer. 37. The episode was reported minimally in the press. 38. The plane was reported missing. 39. I reported the theft to the police. 40. The doctor reported the patient fit and well. 41. I reported how he had reacted. 42. It was reported that he rose from the dead. 43. We went back and reported our findings to director. 44. No damage or injuries were reported. 45. The press in China widely reported these events. 46. Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region. 47. Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar findings. 48. He reported seeing a new star. 49. Heavy fighting was reported near the border. 50. He reported me to the head. 51. The officer reported his men in position. 52. Attacks were reported on police, vehicles and commercial premises. 53. Two deaths from cholera have been reported. 54. Renewed fighting has been reported on the border. 55. The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation. 56. The officer reported back from leave on Sunday night. 56.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 57. They reported what they had seen. 58. Observers have reported serious violations of the ceasefire. 59. He was reported missing in action. 60. The incident was reported to the prison governor.