diode造句1. A fast recovery diode must therefore be used.
2. The diode D1 is reverse biased during this period and plays no part in the action.
3. Connecting a diode in parallel with the capacitor C converts the astable multivibrator into a monostable multivibrator with one stable state.
4. The two heatsinks for the Darlington transistor and diode D1 should also be readily available.
5. This is because every diode is individually calibrated and balanced to ensure uniform printing across every single line.
6. Changes in the component values, the particular diode, and the source frequency can give a rich variety of observations.
7. A simple diode clamping circuit provided the activation function, limiting the voltage to /-Vclamp.
8. Schottky barrier diode. Repetitive peak reverse voltage 30 V.
9. A diode rectifier (21) rectifies the current.
10. The problem of laser diode degradation was particularly troublesome.
11. Silicon Hot Carrier Diodes Schottky Barrier Diode(???????????
12. Capacitive diode. Envelope can be shown or hidden.
13. Diffused junction type silicon diode, 1,5A power rectifier.
14. Avalanche Breakdown Diode exhibits almost the same properties.
15. Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for Various Detector, Modulator, Demodulator.
16. The maximum possible efficiency of TRAPATT diode is estimated.
17. TVS, Zener Diode, Schottkys, Bi-polars Transistors.
18. At normal operating voltage , the TVS diode is inactive , like an open circuit.
19. Electrical characteristics of SRD ( step recovery diode ) are analyzed, and a model of SRD is proposed.
20. A new light - emitting diode ( LED ) sun photometer used as spectrally selective photo detectors is developed.
21. The output voltage is determined by the Zener diode (VR2) voltage and the voltage drops across the optocoupler (U2) LED and resistor R1.
22. Incoming phone numbers are displayed on a liquid crystal diode screen.
23. Large heatsinks are not required as the dissipations in the Darlington switch and the diode are very small.
24. Some of this light is reflected and measured by a photo diode in the ring.
25. The Source - Measure Unit can also test other diode parameters,[http://] including forward voltage drop and breakdown voltage.
26. One of key problems is lasers cooling in researching high power semiconductor diode lasers.
27. In this paper, a novel ZVS full-bridge three-level DC/DC converter with clamping diode is presented, and its principle is given.
28. To design and manufacture a constant-source with adjustable amplitude value and the test system, and to realize the examination of zener diode voltage drift parameter, is very important.
29. To meet the requirements of temperature controlling of laser diode for op tical fiber sensor, laser diode digital temperature control sys2 tem is designed.
30. With the addition of an internal P-channel Power MOS, a coil, capacitors, and a diode connected externally, these ICs can function as step-down switching regulators.