快好知 kuaihz

61 If the police went charging up a blind alley as a result of her information, it wouldn't be her fault. 62 Unlike some other units, this charger has a start button: charging begins when the red start button is pressed. 63 This year there are 10 suppliers charging an average of 5.9 cents a kilowatt hour. 64 But once you start charging for things, people do have the right to ask: is this good value? 65 He made money by charging people to look at his coffins. 66 This confidence seems unjustified, at least as far as capital asset charging is concerned. 67 Battery charging is by means ofa mains-operated charger specially made for this type of battery. 68 How can you possibly justify charging four pounds for a glass of beer. 69 Faced with cuts in grant from central government, they tried to preserve services by charging users. 70 For further details about transitional relief ask your charging authority - the address and telephone number are included with this bill. 71 First, ensure that the charging authority correctly applies any exemptions or reliefs to which the property or ratepayer is entitled. 72 Phoney psychics could milk their rich clients for years, charging fancy prices for rap sessions with the dear departed. 73 Even in my mind I found it extremely unwieldy trying to lance one - let alone 100,000 - from a charging steed. 74 Several companies are now offering Internet access without charging monthly fees. 75 As one example, the bank would begin charging interest the day a kibbutz incurred an overdraft. 76 Instead of charging bulls, Professor Ito bravely faces a barrage of puns. 77 With regard to charging at the door, again fear must play part in her behaviour. 78 He was as cranky as a bad-tempered goat, always putting his head down and charging into things that annoyed him. 79 Charging drivers to use certain roads is also seen as a way of increasing government revenue. 80 For some reason, the book brings Don Quixote to mind, charging in from the right. 81 The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done. 82 At the same time, competition increased from rivals charging lower prices, forcing Motorola to cut its own prices. 83 A letter to the branch manager only produced a restatement of the charging terms. 84 Critics stopped just short of charging the Spin Doctors with malpractice. 85 A single charging of the batteries allows about 2.5 hours of continuous use. 86 The House ethics committee has rejected on technical grounds the latest complaint filed against Speaker Newt Gingrich charging him with bribery. 87 I started charging $ 5 and more people wanted it, because it cost more, so it was suddenly more valuable. 88 From 200 metres we fired single shots at the targets depicting charging men holding machine guns. 89 Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship. 90 The claim is based presumably on the notion that the new charging system will be simpler.