快好知 kuaihz

91 State law now prohibits insurers from denying coverage to small businesses or charging them more than 20 percent above the going rate. 92 The Competition Commission found they were not charging excessive prices or making excessive profits. 93 Road pricing - charging for road space as it is used - will merely add to the burden. 94 Many have been formulating charging policies for services other than residential and nursing care. 95 Smiths claims the record companies are charging so much that it's having to offer large discounts. 96 Charging an expense on a company credit card does not automatically make it a bona fide business expense. 97 That would be akin to the business school model of giving away the razor while charging for the blades. 98 One of the reasons why it has been able to do so is its policy of charging for special exhibitions. 99 Both stores are charging the same price for CD players. 100 To slow down the demand,[www.] McLaren began charging £30 a copy. 101 You can envision graphic sound charging around like square pixels on a vintage Atari video game. 102 loan sharks who exploit the poor by charging up to 1000% interest per year. 103 Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation. 104 Barclayshare's advisory service, which has £250m under management, has the same charging structure, but costs £15 quarterly. 105 New auditors are for ever charging at birth as an obvious target. 106 Often, the main obstacle between them is the prospect of dealing with forbidding galleries charging forbidding commission fees. 107 When he is perched precariously on a sandbag at the time, however, you could just about get away with charging extra. 108 One national chain is currently charging $ 299 for the Playstation and $ 249 for Saturn. 109 The Government have taken no action to limit the authorities' scope for charging. 110 He read a statement charging that the prosecution meant to destroy the Moon family. 111 The wind picked up that evening and big grey swells came charging in from the south-west. 112 Auguste reported that Boris was still charging around in the kitchen and showed no desire to show his head above stairs. 113 This includes obtaining access through a judge, prior to charging a suspect, to bank accounts and other documentary evidence. 114 Street vendors accused of charging higher than official prices were beaten and dragged through the streets. 115 After the three hour charge-up, the pack is automatically switched over to normal charging, to preserve the battery life. 116 Charging in from the Vauxhall end like a cavalier, he pinned Ramprakash's fixed pad with an inswinger of some velocity. 117 I was going to come charging down from the top of a sand-hill. 118 They was charging people a dollar to see him before West put a stop to it. 119 It could start by reducing the property tax rate, charging everyone less, including Tucson residents. 120 The advantage of such a charging structure is that the investor is rewarded with a lower initial charge.