快好知 kuaihz

151 Battery voltage sense input above target charging voltage during engine operation. 152 Tank size, supports, acid concentrations, charging schedule, plate alignment, etc. are the same as described. 153 It keeps overheads down by focusing with near religious fervor on a no-frills approach, charging extra for baggage and meals. 154 The designed two-way pneumatic sack packer and boxing automatic distributor can work with the 20 volumes automatic charging machine, improving the productivity more than doubled. 155 Replaced nose gear shock strut charging valve, no leakage in GND check. 156 Pull the plug tighty after the charging inner bladder expands. 157 This shift, misleadingly, makes it look as if China is charging more for its exports. 158 Thus state averaging method is used to analyze the charging and discharging processes of the switching power supply. 159 But to keep charging ahead at full steam, they also need to be vigilant about their health,[http:///charging.html] which means eating and drinking right. 160 The parameters of non-destructive testing, such as dielectric loss factor, capacity and the voltage at which the charging current increases abruptly, are measured in the different aging stage. 161 The air quantity to appropriately increase the charging, accelerate combustion rate and improve grey layer thickness and oxidation layer temperature and gasification agent preheating temperature. 162 This paper expounds the original teledata collection system based on C/S framework, which implements mainly the collection work of original data of telecommunications charging. 163 The Z axis is provided with zero output to facilitate the setting and changing of electrical charging depth if installed with optical ruler. 164 By charging or suggesting Gates was a victim of racial profiling, all three were guilty of having reflexively reverted to racial stereotypes about white cops. 165 It is emphasized that charging voltage of charging systems for motorcycles is of great significance to the service life of batteries. 166 Stemming is not advisable because it can sinter and complicate later charging. 167 According to the structure of impulse voltage generator, the EMTP simulation software is used to build a 36-stage charging circuit model of impulse voltage generator. 168 At a London award ceremony a week later, he launched into a foul-mouthed tirade at pop star Madonna, accusing her of charging fans outrageous prices to see her lip-synch in concert. 169 Also, when Michigan's Intelligencer Journal-Lancaster New Era daily began charging $1.99 per month for online obituary access, site traffic actually increased. 170 Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat. 171 Linking with the main electric properties of No. 1 aviation kerosene, here is related the basic principle of static electric charging and the major factors that affect liquid static electric charge. 172 The vibration of the charging belt is reduced by adjusting the belt's tension while an electrostatic accelerator is running. 173 Battery voltage sensor input below target charging voltage during engine operation. Also, no significant charge detected in battery voltage during active test of alternator output. 174 Maintenance - free battery and valve - regulated storage battery are very sensitive to the charging voltage. 175 Double protection : lighting design to prevent internal charging circuit, short circuit protection function. 176 The effect of heat distribution in ferromolybdenum melting on melting result is expounded, the method of layer-by-layer charging is put forward to distribute the reaction heat as a certain parabola. 177 The doubts burst into the open on August 9th when central banks were forced to inject liquidity into the overnight money markets because banks were charging punitive rates to lend to each other. 178 Run sway the drift charging vehicle video frequency for my freewheel ! 179 They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water. 180 With the charging features of the air braking system on the 10 000 t heavy haul train as the research object, the change of pressure in the auxiliary reservoir during charging on train is researched.