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the other way around造句
31. In my experience, fact - finding missions usually work best the other way around. 32. In both sports, an animal pulls the athlete (in skijoring, it's dogs or a horse towing a person on skis), not the other way around. 33. I decided to explore what success might look like working from the inside-out and not the other way around (the conventional model). 34. Quite coincidentally, metamorphic viruses apply transformations that go the other way around. 35. In the federal circuit, patents are held to be valid until proved otherwise, and not the other way around. 36. The body is the servant of the Root Self, not the other way around. 37. China's reach now extends from the Australian desert through the Sahara to the Amazonian jungle — and it's those regions supplying goods for China, not just the other way around. 38. We think that punishment deters crime, but just might be the other way around. 39. Interestingly enough, as the role play progressed, It'steadily became the other way around. 40. But itat least conceivable that at some point it could be the other way around. 41. One simple statistic tells that tale: it costs nearly three times as much to rent a self-drive van for a one-way journey from Los Angeles to Houston as the other way around. 42. To most people acting is glamorous , business isn't. It works the other way around for John. 43. Now just the other way around. They need other because they love each other. 43.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 44. Might have been the other way around: Stalin acting as a Svengali on Lenin. 45. I rule and control my attention, and not the other way around. 46. Previous recessions started in the "real" world of tangible goods, then spread to the financial sector; this time, it was the other way around. 47. Climate change does not just lead to biodiversity loss; causality works the other way around too. 48. Happiness can lead to success, rather just the other way around. 49. In your private household, you would surely prefer to pay less for more rather than the other way around, yet that would be termed an "unfavorable balance of payments" in foreign trade. 50. Hybridisation could also be done the other way around, by using steam generated from solar-thermal collectors to help drive the turbines at existing coal or gas plants.