快好知 kuaihz

1. The prosecution alleges she was driving carelessly. 2. He's had his licence endorsed for dangerous driving. 3. We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight. 4. The policeman asked to see his driving license. 5. Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame. 6. She's a woman of driving ambition. 7. Why are you driving me away? 8. Try to stay alert while driving at night. 9. I don't know what he is driving at. 10. He had his driving license revoked. 11. He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. 12. She was charged with reckless driving. 13. You are taking a big risk driving so fast. 14. You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog. 15. Driving without a licence is an offence. 16. A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain. 17. We were driving on a California freeway. 18. Slow down - you're driving too fast. 19. Be doubly careful when driving in fog. 20. Excessive tiredness while driving can kill. 21. They were still driving away at the encyclopaedia. 22. Thick/Heavy/Dense fog has made driving conditions dangerous. 23. You were driving at ninety miles an hour. 24. I passed my driving test. 25. You should never take chances when driving a car. 26. I was driving along, thinking about Chris. 27. You've passed your driving test? Congratulations! 28. The children have been driving me frantic all day! 29. She uses her car mostly for driving to work. 30. What is the penalty for dangerous driving?