快好知 kuaihz

151. Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain. 152. You've no earthly chance of driving from London to Bristol in under an hour. 153. That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test! 154. Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations. 155. I started to feel Toby was driving a wedge between us. 156. It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car. 157. You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour. 158. He's been hauled before the court on a charge of dangerous driving. 159. This is the second time that Matthew has been hauled up on a dangerous driving charge. 160. Buck up ! Lots of people fail their driving test first time. 161. The TV presenter found himself on the wrong side of the law after hitting a cyclist while driving. 162. He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror. 163. Have you got any ID? A driving licence or cheque card will do. 164. Any mechanical problems would upset our plans of driving across the desert. 165. Passing my driving test was such a boost to my confidence. 166. Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists. 167. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences. 168. I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway. 169. He was driving a Mercedes racer at 100 mph and almost came to grief. 170. Tiredness can easily creep up on you while you're driving. 171. One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services. 172. The training course qualifies you to be / as a driving instructor. 173. It was Fred's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart. 174. All the cars driving in the opposite direction had their headlights on. 175. Tom was driving his sports car at an unbelievable high speed. 176. Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving. 177. Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions.Dr T.P.Chia 178. Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?George Carlin 179. I wanted to remind her about her driving license. 180. Let's go hIt'some balls driving range.