快好知 kuaihz

61. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre. 62. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on. 63. It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol. 64. Mr Michal passed the driving test at the second attempt. 65. He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving . 66. Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority. 67. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test. 68. She was fined £300 and banned from driving for one month. 69. Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street. 70. It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home. 71. The first lesson in driving is how to start the car. 72. My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy. 73. Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers. 74. What's he driving at? 75. He was charged with driving 75 mph in a 55 mph zone. 76. A mill-race is the fast stream of water driving the wheel of a water-mill. 77. I was in the back seat and Jo was driving. 78. Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience. 79. He was given an absolute discharge but banned from driving for 12 months. 80. I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe. 81. You can minimise the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road. 82. He found driving on the Continent very different to Britain. 83. We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train. 84. He was accused of causing death by reckless driving . 85. If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult. 86. Peter has been brought before the court on a charge of drunken driving. 87. The boys went driving round the town just for the craic. 88. I was driving along the road when a kid suddenly stepped out in front of me. 89. She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded. 90. She pranged her mother's car a week after she passed her driving test.