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61 But his dark rimmed glasses and old fashioned looks belie a career spent one step ahead. 62 Dallas would hold up the Super Bowl belt, its giant buckle fashioned from the melted down Lombardi Trophy. 63 Holly worked on alone at the lathe that fashioned the chairs' legs. 64 The man had fashioned a turban from a strip of torn cloth. 65 David has opened a nursery at Misarden, specialising in old fashioned herbaceous plants and shrubs. 66 The Hebridean Princess is a luxury liner offering the best in old fashioned service. 67 The sink was squared-off and old fashioned, with a white splashback and a tilting mirror. 68 People lived in makeshift huts fashioned of petrol drums and torn parachutes, of wood, tin, and rice sacks. 69 His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness; he was fashioned for finer things. 70 Compared to other graphics fairs, the London event was seen to be somewhat old fashioned in its approach and emphasis. 71 A new role for the courts has to be fashioned out of our system of parliamentary democracy - Justinian. 72 The policy of John Bull is to make the finest confectionery in the old fashioned way, using the best ingredients. 73 Since Renaissance times, clear glass has been fashioned into prisms, mirrors and lenses that diffract and focus visible light. 74 When my father was ten, he spent the summer at an old fashioned sleep-away camp. 75 It was fashioned of sandalwood, beautifully carved, and no larger than was needed to hold a psalter. 76 Through such thought and writing the spirit of Dicey was fashioned into orthodoxy in public law. 77 Football fever got to us and Brian fashioned a small ball out of an old pair of underpants and a defunct blindfold. 78 What Tully built for Goldney was predictably a piece of safe, old fashioned Baroque. 79 Idly, Tzann picked up another brown envelope, addressed to him in crudely fashioned capitals. 80 Several prisoners were armed with weapons fashioned from razor blades. 81 My idea of Christmas, whether old- fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?Bob Hope 82 And that's 4 weeks cutting, shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques, both old fashioned and up to date. 83 The church gates of locally grown oak were fashioned by a local craftsman. 84 As a boy, he had fashioned pieces of wood into homemade baseball bats. 85 They created an egg from which came forth the sun, who fashioned mankind and gave order to the world. 86 Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they dare not trust themselves,[http:///fashioned.html] to walk in liberty.Aldous Huxley 87 He chose words from a special communications program and fashioned them into sentences. 88 Burman positions the body and the self image as one that is constantly being fashioned and remade. 89 Nothing like what they sang at Sweet Home, where yearning fashioned every note. 90 Between 1974 and 1981, therefore, Gaullist and Giscardian politicians fashioned the broadcasting policies that technocrats and broadcasters were to implement.