快好知 kuaihz

211 They are fashioned privately, traded over the counter outside the purview of regulators. 212 The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. 213 Fashioned from a variety of computer components, they're also the ideal gift for the uber geek who has everything. 214 The train has sumptuous, old - fashioned d é cor, all brass lamps and rosewood and elm panelling. 215 Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse , often of a humorous or burlesque nature. 216 So Horne, as determined as she was beautiful, went ahead and fashioned one of the 20th century's most exemplary and poignant show-business careers. 216 Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 217 Lactic Acid and Friendly Bacteria: Contribute to the health of the digestive tract. Found in old fashioned lacto-fermented foods. 218 Warmhearted wishes an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Yearfilled with all your favorite things! 219 Combining individual professed calibre processing modules, Voxformer was fashioned to be a broad resolution for every your communicatory processing needs – be it uttered or sung vocals. 220 Hondo: How can I trust a man who won't eat a good old - fashioned American hotdog? 221 Old Tom, the shepherd, sat by an old - fashioned woodburning kitchen range, warming his hands. 222 Poor rootbeer into old fashioned glass, over ice. Add vanilla and amaretto. Stir gently. 223 Playing panpipes carved from the bones of enemies and war drums fashioned from the flayed skins of dead foes, his soldiers advanced toward the Colla forces, a moving wall of terror and intimidation. 224 It is an old messuage and my daughter's lodging is a row of old - fashioned houses. 225 So is clinging to the roof of an SUV in a gale with practice mallets fashioned from paint roller handles and plumbing parts. 226 Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe. 227 SPI now is one of the very fashioned series synchronous interface. 228 Another adaption of Mary Shelley 's novel about a scientist who brings life to a creature fashioned from corpses and various body parts. 229 Our friends say ballroom dancing is old - fashioned and that it's for old people. 230 We strolled along streets that the dearth of motor traffic made appear both old - fashioned and serene. 231 They regarded me as " old - fashioned " and behind the times. 232 She was more than old - fashioned, she was antediluvian. 233 The slightly curved cabriole legs are adorned with gilt reliefs of a woman's head attached to an animal body, and the feet are fashioned in ormolu in the form of claws. 234 That notion goes with old - fashioned concepts of social obligation and public service.