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151 In fact, old - fashioned device about four or five years may not be compatible with the JDF. 152 Adam Gibson , acted by Arnold Schwarzenegger , is an ordinary, old - fashioned family working as a test pilot. 153 Duncan believed it was old - fashioned hardball, the game he had known all his life. 154 It is a tribute to Mr Chandler's skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material. 155 I've not seen a real, old fashioned pantomime for donkey's year. 156 He also lingers over the oddly aloof version of intimacy he fashioned with Deborah Read, his semiliterate wife, and his illegitimate son, William, whom he would raise but eventually disown. 157 On the way out, he grabs an old fashioned football helmet from a shelf and smashes it down on his head. 158 There's no old - fashioned Star Trek Beam me up , Scottie in this movie. 159 Where did you grub up these old - fashioned articles? 160 Instead, his work-worn hands fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals. The once beautiful tree was not covered with gold or filled with treasure. 161 She was very dainty but Daisy Suckley was plain and looked like an old - fashioned school teacher. 162 All we need to keep them changing that fast is good old - fashioned academic freedom. 163 The kind of whodunit Agatha Christie wrote is certainly old - fashioned. 164 Protohuman moms probably fashioned baby slings, too, they suggest, both for ease of transportation and to keep the young warm by holding them close to their bodies. 165 The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. 166 Georgia fashioned two good chances with Taylor saving from Alexandre Iashvili and Levan Kenia strikes. 167 Lo-fi Louis: Miss Wu also fashioned a Vuitton wallet in the meat product. 168 Its somewhat old - fashioned profile, with branches in far - flung parts of China, plays to the new zeitgeist. 169 Some even referred disparagingly to the Chi - comms – an old - fashioned abbreviation for Chinese communists. 170 About the size of a cricket ball, they are precisely fashioned to be within a millimetre of the same size. This suggests they were meant to be used together in some way rather than individually. 171 Papa would bring an old battered coal shovel and an old - fashioned ice chest with him. 172 I am sitting at a table, and before me is a cake, fashioned ingeniously by my mother from coarse ration flour, a lump of lard, a single egg, and a precious cupful of sugar. 173 She is an old - fashioned lady and very opinionated, who opposes new things openly. 174 The movie was an old - fashioned hair - raiser. 175 This might just be unfamiliarity: I have a lot more experience with the old - fashioned iteration - based approach. 176 And their fear and dismay increased when they searched the fallen apartment, for of the gentle Musides, and of the marvellously fashioned image of Tyche,[www.] no trace could be discovered. 177 Flash back to June 2010, when Apple escorted reporters into a room, nary a block from here, filled with iPhone 4s fashioned in both black and white. 178 Teams get ready for an old - fashioned ox pull at the Adams Agricultural Fair in Adams, Mass. 179 Call me old - fashioned , but for me, Bots are not proper replacements for human actors. 180 Old - fashioned voodoo economics - the belief in tax - cut magic - has been banished from civilized discourse.