centred造句91. In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment.
92. He centred his attention on the sovereignty of Parliament, the conventions of the constitution, and the rule of law.
93. The main interest is centred on the splendid harbour, almost completely landlocked and providing excellent shelter.
94. During the Second World War the whole economic effort centred on supplying and employing sufficient quantities of labour and materials.
95. Similarly, the unemployed found the focus of their social circle also becoming centred on heroin.
96. His commercial activities centred on the Levant trade, in which he invested heavily until his retirement sometime in the late 1670s.
97. Materials laboratories of a generation ago centred upon magnificent collections of large testing machines.
98. In each country my talks centred on the serious economic situation and military issues including proliferation.
99. Government policy centred on the question of integration through schooling in the values of the Republic rather than on multicultural education.
100. I shall begin with household composition, the issue around which much work on the history of the family has been centred.
101. Concern about ozone depletion has until now centred on its effects on humans, for instance through increased skin cancers.
102. The going was steep and treacherously slick in places, and Paige had all her concentration centred on staying upright.
103. Centred in East Anglia, the Snowball Campaign involved a symbolic cutting of the perimeter fence at air-force bases around the country..com
104. It cut across the boundary between the two hundreds and was later centred on the Norman castle at Nether Stowey.
105. Other hopes have centred on ethanol taking the place of petroleum - but fuel crops must not displace food.
106. The first level was of abstract theory and method; the second was centred upon current policy questions.
107. Fighting at this stage centred around Mostar and the eastern towns of Visegrad and Foca.
108. We were centred up on the gap in the reef: this must be it!
109. The command structure, then, began at court and centred around the king.
110. The statistic would be called a five-quarter centred moving average.
111. The project is centred on retail value chains and its objectives are to: 1.
112. Just as with word processing type can be set flush with the left-hand margin, centred or justified.
113. The conference, bringing together the world's seven leading industrial nations, centred on trade talks.
114. If centring is to be used for main headings, then sub-headings may be either centred or blocked.
115. The tradition of gambling that had been associated with brutal sports came to be centred on horse-racing and later football.
116. Initial attempts to disperse the slick are centred on defending the desalination plants.
117. He was dismissed for gross misconduct, which seems to have centred on drug taking and homosexual activities.
118. The following three years saw a complex set of political manoeuvres, centred largely on the control of various cities of Aquitaine.
119. Any revolutionary aspirations of the younger members are centred on gaining work and admittance to the mainstream of ordinary life.
120. The most contentious debate had centred on the issue of religious education.